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andi (profile) wrote,
on 1-10-2004 at 11:44am
Current mood: Chipperz
Music: How low can you go?
Subject: ...:Fun!:..
I went to Rich's last night. Mike was there and of course ms. anne. We hanged around and played video games and watched movies. Mike, anne, and I kept screaming at the wrong parts on a scary movie. hehe. it was fun and Rich kept running around the living room acting like an idiot. It was funny.
Later Nick came over and we started to watch VH1's 100 hotties. The guys liked it a lil too much. Well Anne and I did too. lol. After a bit Kyle came over too.
After the shows and all we all went in Anne's room and we wreseled and stuff and the guys got anne and smacked her bum really hard! It hurt soo much. Then they came after me and did it. I was like noooo! I punched and tried to squrim away, but there was no way of doing it. SO my bum got hit. it hurt forever. Then nick and Mike did it again to me. Gr!
Around 9:30 we went to Bruster's and got ice cream. it was fun. After that we went to Kyle's so he cna get his shoes and to anne's mom's house to let the dogs out. I played w/ Rich's drums when we were there and Mike was flirten w/ me a lot. I didn't like it too much. When we were heading back to their dad's house there was a big bang! Something hit the car. we couldn't figure out what it was until we saw slime coming down the window. We got egged!!!!! LOL! MIke and Kyle were like turn back, we're gonna fight 'em. But we never turned back. it was great.
Then we just hanged around the house and had some more fun. then I went home.

I needed that fun to forget a certain someone who is being a gay person right now. I just give up about it. She (you) won. I don't wanna mess w/ this no more. It's stupid. Get over yourself. OK I am done now.

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:-), 01-10-04 6:25pm

Hey! I watched VH1's 100 hottest hotties it was really good. Hehe! Anyway....I must ask whut do you insist on saying *hanged*?Hung!Hung!Hung!LOLz, glad you have fun and sorried about Sat night.Do you kno who egged you?LOLz and when you feel like it who are you like mad at?Byes

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Re: :-), 01-10-04 6:27pm

hehe okay sorries* and * when you feel like telling me, who are you mad at?* hehe i really need to proof read my work! lolz ok byes again

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Re: :-), 01-10-04 11:12pm

u knwo i have bad grammer and writing (sp?)!!! lol. i don't like hung b/c it sound slike my neck just got hung. ok lata

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Re: Re: :-), 01-10-04 11:14pm

i'm not mad at the person. i repeat, i am NOT mad. i'm just frusturated b/c i don't it somethings about the person. well read my e-mail i sent u on dacoolbabe.....

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