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paige51066 (profile) wrote,
on 1-10-2004 at 10:53pm
Current mood: amused
Music: Korn- A.D.I.D.A.S. (wet dream mix)
Subject: I see hell in your eyes

Iv'e made myself semi-happy...WITH QUIZZES!!!!

My pickup line is:
Can I pick your butt?
what's your pickup line?
| hey, baby.

Laura's Levels Of Hell

0. Heaven:

Laura's friends, people who meet her most stringent standards for not sucking, people who figured out how to pass the quiz, and people who like Susan.

1. Purgatory:

People who pluralize (or possesify) non-plural or possessive establishments, i.e. "Barnes and Noble's," "Costco's" and "Eckerd's," people who refer to kissing or fornicating as "hooking up," people who hate macs, and people who watch too much television.

2. The Boring and Grammatically Incorrect:

Compulsive askers of "whats up?" "what's happening?" "how are you?" "what's your major" and instigators of other small talk, people who misuse object and subject pronouns, people who constantly speak or write in the passive voice, and people who type LOL too much.

3. The Young and Misguided:

People who care where other people buy their clothes and talk about things being "trendy" and "selling out," people who try to be random and talk about squirrels all the time, people who fancy themselves either nerds or avid fans of any or all of the following: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, anime.

4. The Idiots:

Boys who say they like blow jobs and posters of women with big boobs and feel manly for doing so, girls who like those kind of boys, fraternity members, sorority members, people who talk about liking beer or pot too much, people who punctuate with "yo," and the Dave Matthews Band.

5. The Wavering:

Democrats who voted for nader in the 2000 election, Democrats who didn't vote in the 2000 election, people who don't think that Bush is "that bad" or who had no stance on the recent war, yet attest to being 'political' and yet are otherwise politically noncommittal.

6. The Miscellaneous Hates:

Vegans who wear leather, smokers who worry about eating healthy, people who steal their friends' boyfriends or girlfriends, say mean things about their best friends behind their backs, or don't think Laura's funny.

7. The Hipster Fucks:

People who say they like sarcasm and irony. People who are smarmy. People who listen to music they don't really like, watch movies they don't really like, wear trucker hats, say things like "rock out" and "hip" all for the sake of irony.

8. The Immorally-moral:

Republicans, SUV drivers, suburb dwellers, people who homeschool their children, the religious right, other anti-abortionists, including ones who shoot abortion doctors, assholes, people who think that porn is sinful, jerks, and people who think "Taylor" and "Madison" are nice names for babies.
Where will Laura send you? (The first place she's sending you is

take the non-offensive quiz.

and go to laura = great.

find YOUR drag persona

and go to where all the men wear skirts.

because i thought this picture was pretty, laura of told me this: "it seems you enjoy dancing, drinking, eating, orgies, and expensive perfume. you're the type of person who buys brand-name socks--but you are also the type of person who has been electricuted by the toaster at least seven times. you were at the top of the class in elementary school, but faltered in junior high, because you didn't understand algebra. your favorite singer, suprisingly, is prince, and in your spare time you can be found tinkering with broken calculators and atari home videogame units."
whatever will laura tell you??

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

what kind of tard are YOU?

and go to

take the nerd test.

and go to a nerd utopia.

The type of ex I am is:
m i s e r a b l e
My ex hurt me a lot, but I can't stop feeling as though I am in love. Maybe someday I will get over it, but it is a matter of decades, not years. Potential new lovers: beware. There is a big, black monolith in my heart.
what type of ex are you?
| 'EX'cellent. HA.

what celebrity feature are you?

take the taboo quiz.

and go to nothing is taboo there.

take the death quiz.

and go to laura = great.

take the jeans quiz. gus made it!

and go to because laura and gus collectively own over 30 pairs of jeans.

Post A Comment


heh, 01-14-04 10:13pm

you like frat boys... *pointing a finger* YOU LIKE FRAT BOYS AND BOOOOZE! >.O *muffles insane laughter* yeah... i'm shall go to the hipster fucks one.. GO ME... e_e

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Re: heh, 01-14-04 10:15pm

did i just say I'M SHALL GO? teehee.... *still drunk after drinking that tainted big red...* @.*

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Re: heh, 01-15-04 6:49pm

heh..actually i think im the exact opposite of what i got :-D

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