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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 1-11-2004 at 7:44pm
Current mood: not sure
Subject: I have a hemmy!
So today I went to Sean's. I watched their band practice and such. Then football the rest of the time. Im not a big football person but thats fine because it was fun anyways. I bet you wish you had a hemmy! Too bad. Valentimes? Renember? Haha man oh man. Well thats about it.

Tomorrow is school...I hate that place.

My throat hurts...oh well...Im getting used to it.

So thats that...

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01-11-04 10:02pm

i see you hate school!'s ok though because someday...i'm gonna get enough money to buy C-NS and turn it into a Senior citizens home with a Wal-Mart inside...and they WILL sell the tiny, little goldfish!! *i can see it noooow*

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Re:, 01-12-04 9:10am

do you know how extremely awesome that would be? if you do that, i soo want to be on the staff to help take care of the old farts. i would do all their walmart shopping for them and feed their pretty little goldfish. ::uhh in dreamland::

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