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linkedfantasy (profile) wrote,
on 1-11-2004 at 8:23pm
Music: whatever is on MTV
Subject: you are what you eat..... the saying that starts anorexia....don't worry, i've been through it.
a night at the computer. an endless page of thoughts pouring out of my head must be sorted into a single entry. what to type?
i've unpacked maybe an eighth of everything in my house.... too tired to do anymore. why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?
i've discovered some of my old video games and pictures of my friends/cousins in Guam.... i had a refreshing tear session, it cleanses the soul the way i see it.

forever and today
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why do today what you can put off till tomorrow?, 01-11-04 9:17pm

what is today but yesterdays tomorrow?

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