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m&ms487 (profile) wrote, on 11-29-2002 at 8:01pm | |
Current mood: awake Subject: A long, long time ago.... |
Well, today I was feeling very nastalgic (I think that's the right spelling and for all of you who don't know it means think of old times and stuff) and I was wondering if any of you would like to put some 1st's on here, like a comment, or make a journal entry about it. It just sorta lets people see something about you, about your past. Mine will be about the first times I saw everybody from the lake. This includes matt, rob, laurel, julia, amy, and sam. The first time I saw Matt was when I was 8 or something and he destroyed laurel and mine's samd castles in the pine woods. The first time I saw rob was when I was around 10 at the Village Inn (don't ask me how I remember that, but I do, we had just sat down to eat and rob and his mom and dad were just leaving and stopped by our table to say hi). Also that night, on another note, I swallowed a whole ice cube. I first met Laurel, well, the first time I remember her was in her old house when i was maybe 3? We sat in a lazy boy type chair together (and our legs didn't even reach the edge when we sat all the way back) and we got a pic taken. I think I still have it somewhere. The first time I remember Julia was also at their old house. It was a birthday for somebody (I don't think danielle was born yet) and julia was sitting in front of the t.v. with a diaper and a tee shirt on watching (and singing along to) barney.The first time I remember seeing amy, was actually when I got a trailer up at the lake. Sorry, amy, I don't remember an exact time when I remember meeting you, you were just always sorta there. But that doesn't mean your any less important! And Samantha. I remember samantha from a summer when I must have been about 10 and I had come to visit my grandma for the day and I went swimming. Sam was there and we played. I sorta thought she was annoying (well, sorry, didn't really know ya then), but I was astonished by her hair. It was long and blonde, and fairly straight. Well, don't ask me how I remember all that. I have a very very good memory about my life. I can remember my first day of kindergarten almost vividly. Well, today Liz came with me to the music store my mom works at (sometimes known as "my other life") and we had a dandy old time talking bout bisexuals in our school and making weird tribal type songs up. It was fun. Well, see ya'll lata. |
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pinky | Hi, I was wasn't I, 11-29-02 8:32pm I was pretty annoying wasn't I, I remember being really scared 2 talk 2 u, do u remember who talked 2 who 1st???
laurel | Hmmmm, 11-29-02 8:34pm So that was Matt that wrecked our sand castles :( LOL hahaha i remember that SO much! LOL thats not even funny! Well yes yes it deffnilty is
Upchuck | Re: Hmmmm, 11-30-02 6:31pm Ahhh,
Upchuck | Re: Hmmmm, 11-30-02 6:35pm Or maybe I'm just giving him too much credit. |
Upchuck | Re: Hmmmm, 11-30-02 6:37pm I mean, it is MATT after all. |
Laurel | Re: Re: Hmmmm, 12-01-02 8:12pm Charlie i hate you.
miniredhawk | ewww, 11-29-02 9:11pm no no I said that there were other ppl that you could date besides curtis, like Dannielle Johnson i said, Bisexuals are grody... no offense to NE one who reads this and is one. |
Upchuck | Re: ewww, 11-30-02 6:30pm Sick and wrong.
m&ms487 | Re: Re: ewww, 12-01-02 7:24pm that's just wrong. |
miniredhawk | Re: Re: Re: ewww, 12-04-02 4:50pm HAHAHA! That is freakin hilarious! Poor Anita works there, has she hit on her yet? HAHAHA! That is so freakin gross it's funny! |