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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote,
on 1-12-2004 at 6:03pm
Current mood: guilty
Music: Badaboom- B2K
Subject: Realizations
I realized something. I always blame them. I always tell them, they're the reason of any kind of wrong doing. Everyone thinks they are guilty. No one knows I'm the true factor of crime here, or at least half of it. Even though he and his friends too are half of it, I am the other half. As much as I do not want to admit that I bother them, I do. They bother me too, but how is that valid backup if I bother them too. It's not fair of me, I realized, to accuse them of being little conceited bastards when I am no fucking different. This fact, really makes me hate myself. I am no different than them, I am in no way above them. I always thought I was, but I'm not. I am the exact same, the same piece of crap. All of these months of looking down at them, from my pink sky way up high, not realizing soon I would sink through it and fall down and break just like them. We're all the same deep down, as different as we might appear, we're all the same.
There is really a pretty easy solution, you might say. Raise above them, stop sinking down to their level. But as easy as that might look from a far, it really isn't. Once you get started, you just can't stop.
It's a fucking drug, I swear.
Maybe I still like him and that's why, or maybe there's simply nothing better going on in my life to be doing anything else. Whatever it is, I am waiting to find out. I wish something more exciting was going on, but once again- I dissapoint you.
The Victim/The Crime,
p.s. For anyone who wants to get me a HOT TOOLS straightening iron for my birthday, go right ahead!
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01-13-04 5:45pm

They are stupid losers. Don't let it bring you down though. They are not fucking worth it. SO UGLY! just remember- all you need in this life is you and your BEEP.


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