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innocence (profile) wrote,
on 1-12-2004 at 8:52pm
Music: think twice - eve 6
Subject: i know. im a dork! lol
When you are sad.....I will get us drunk and help you plot revenge against the sorry ass bitch who made you sad!
When you are blue.....I'll try to dislodge whatever is choking you!
When you smile..........I'll know you finally got some ass!
When you are scared..I will rag you about it every damn chance I get!
When you are worried....I will tell you the horrible stories about how much it can get worse and to stop your damn whining!
When you are confused.....I will use little words to explain it to your dumbass!
When you are sick.........please stay the hell away from me until you are well again I don't want your nasty ass germs!!
When you fall.........I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass!
This is my oath........I pledge til the end. Why you may ask? Because your my best friends -- carly & whit

lol love you guys! xo pe@$e hah

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01-13-04 4:54pm

when your head is low.... i will break your knees and step on you and kick you in the stomach.
fuck you people and your happiness!!! muhuhahaha!!!
the fuck, you dont deserve to be happy... oh well life sucks then fucks you in the ass.. we all die and see no fairness, but what can we really call fairness, is there such thing or was it just a word made up by dreamers... what we learn is not to expect fair treatment, but more importantly we must learn not to complain about unfair treatment, so yeah just insight on life

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Re:, 01-13-04 7:10pm

i completely agree with you, we shouldnt take what we have for granted and be happy for what we do have.. and once you lose things like loved ones or family or a posession or friends, you try to get it back! .. fuck happiness!

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Re: Re:, 01-13-04 9:46pm

who are you people?

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01-14-04 11:09am

exactly, fuck happiness... lol at least i heard it from someone else besides me talkin to myself

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Re:, 01-14-04 7:47pm

yeah, happiness isnt that great a thing if u think about it.. u still have the feeling of being high, drunk, amused, excited, or really angry.. who needs to be happy anyways!?! there r too many feelings to worry about god damn happiness.. ur the coolest zach

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Re: Re:, 02-05-04 5:59pm

no no no.. you're all wrong. it's best to get high and/or drunk when you ARE happy. that's one of the best feelings ever.. second to being loved.


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