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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 1-12-2004 at 9:31pm
.::You in General::.
What country do you live in?:us
Hair color:brown
Eye color:brown
Any pets?:yes
If so, what kind?:dog
What's your number one hobby?:listen to musicccc
What do you fear the most?:dark, spider, small spaces
Food:mac and cheese P
Beverage:root beer
Movie:pirates of the caribbean
TV show:all time - friends ... but dunno 7th heaven, 8 simple rules
Season:i dont have one.. i cherish everyday
.::This or That::.
Blue or Red?:blue
Coke or Pepsi?:coke
TV or Books?:tv
AIM or MSN?:aim
Fall or Spring?:sprin
Winter of Summer?:summer
McDonalds or Wendy's?:mcdonalds
Morning or Night?:morning
Sandals or Boots?:sandals
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?:pass

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05-17-04 9:38pm

dude like... i need to paint my toenails... SHITTTT


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