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moana (profile) wrote,
on 1-13-2004 at 1:17pm
Subject: dying young
i'll close my eyes and smile a bit
i took the news real well
they'll say i was in denial
but i'm stroger than that
i can handle painful truths
i've been doing it for a long long time
so what if things won't work as planned?
at least i lived pretty well
i know my mother's crying
i hear her sniffling in the car
i wish i could make it easier
but she only fears for me, fears for missing me
maybe if i held her hand, she could share her pain
because she was the only one that kept me
she knows i'm watching her closely
and she wants to know the reason
i smile and say "mommy
let's keep this a secret"
she can't believe my request
she wants to know why
it's because i dont want the world to know
soon, i'll grab my chest and die
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01-15-04 2:04am


I swear, you're the strongest, bravest person I have ever met.

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