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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 1-14-2004 at 7:54pm
not enough time to say as much as i'd like but im applying to this summer prog. at usf and this is my essay.....shilpa's applyin too.....yay so here:

Every morning, students across the country begin their school day by singing "The Star-Spangled Banner", America's national anthem. They mindlessly sing along to the words they learned by heart so many years ago. As the song ends, the students return to their gossip-driven conversations and go about their day as if any other. As a student myself, I have never understood how one can sing along to such powerful lyrics and yet feel nothing. There's a line tin our country's national anthem that never ceases to move me emotionally and it is as follows: "the home of the brave and the land of the free". This line has such an incredible effect on me because I am living proof that it is not just another meaningless lyric. In fact, it is a statement of truth.
My mom and I moved from our nnative country of Cuba to the United States in search of greater opportunities. She wanted me to live a life where my success wasn't limited by my family's financial status or my country's tyrannical regulations. I intend to take full advantage of these amazing opportunities placed before me and the AHEC program is no exception.
Sinced the early days of my childhood, the human mind has fascinated me. It's complexity and total unpredictability has always left me with a sense of curiosity and a desire to learn more. For these reasons and many others, I have chosen a profesion in the field of psychology. I aspire to be a psychotherapist. I am well aware of the stress that comes with such a career. However, life has yet to confront me with an obstacle I could not overcome.
To anyone who has gotten to know me, it is blatantly obvious that education is extremely important in my life. I have dreams of graduating from Columbia University with a major in psychology. This university is a greatly prestigious and competitive institution of which I intend to be a part of. By doing so, I will become the first member of my family to attend college. However, I don't just want to be the first, I want to be the best. If I'm going to set the bar, I want to set it so high that others will have to push themselves to the extreme just to keep up with me.
I strongly believe that the AHEC Health Professions Summer Academy will prepare me with the necessary tools to achieve all of my goals. If I am accepted into this program, I promise to continue with my hard work and dedication, and my desire to prove to the world that America truly is "the home of the brave and the land of the free".
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01-14-04 9:41pm

that is magnificent! But u wanna know what's even more magnificent...the person who spelled checked and double spaced it for u! go whoever that was! whooo! that was one of the hardest jobs I believe!

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