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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 1-15-2004 at 9:33am
Current mood: okay
Music: Straylight Run- Decent
Subject: Good Morning
So I dont really have a reason to update but thats okay...

Last night I went to the grocery store!!! Oh and the dollar store!!! It was funny. My mom thought it would be a great idea to go to the dollar store. Well we got in there and I wanted everything I saw. That'll teach her. I ended up with heart candies, 2 puzzles and silly putty. So then we went to the grocery store and I got everything on my grocery list! I even got a bagel while I was there!!! (Im trying to make this sound interesting). So we got cappachino delight slim fast shakes and orange cream. Thats pretty cool. Oh and I got deodorant that smells like ambition...whatever ambition smells like. I also got toothpaste that I saw Emeril using on tv. That was about it for my grocery store experience.

I just remembered the dream I had last night. Haha It was odd.
-- So a bunch of us were on a bus coming back from a field trip. The seats were wicked small and we had to fit three in a seat. I think I was sitting with Lisa and some funny looking kid. James was there and so was Lauren. The bus was also a boat and to get home we had to go through this river. The river was curvey and we were going really fast and it was hard to keep your head up. So Lauren and I had a great idea...we went through the roof and into the water. Lisa came too but she was pissed. So Lauren and I were running through the water and Lisa was bitching that we were going to soak the bus. So we saw the bus driver who was driving the bus from outside of it in the water. He smiled at us and started reading his soaking wet newspaper. We decided we had enough of the merky gross lake water and we went to get back on the bus. Now Lisa was flipping out screaming something about towels. We went through the back and everyone clapped. We got back to school and an asshole teacher started yelling at ours for letting us off the bus. He threatened to get him fired and he said "shit"...then I went into another dream. It was Sean, his brothers and his dad. His dad was driving them to karate. So he dropped them off and we had to go get something so we went somewhere else. Now this is weird. I wasnt sitting in the van, I was sitting where the right wheel of the car goes. Then there were these chinese guys in motorcycles in front of us. They were being dumb and like making it hard to drive so his dad started driving up their asses. Somehow the chinese motorcyclists and the van ended up on the side of the road. They were all bitching back and forth. Sean's dad picked up a hubcap and threw it at the chinese guy and it went into his head. It was pretty bloody. So then his dad was walking away and the dead looking chinese man took a ninja star out of his pocket and through it at his dad. It hit him in the head but it didnt cut him open or anything. So he fell to the ground and started talking about all this crazy stuff since he had like a concusion. So I got him up and we started walking to Toys R' Us because that was where we were meeting Sean and his brothers. I called 911 and the lady was completely stupid and just saying really dumb things so I got pissed off and hung up. We finally got to Toys R Us and Sean and his brothers were walking out the door. I ran up to Sean and his dad ran to Ryan (which was weird because he could harldy walk 2 seconds before). I started crying and Sean said "Aw shut up, Im not into this crying bullshit" ... So I slapped him and went inside the store. I saw someone I knew and we went inside this Barbie play house. There we mirrors in there that the girl was trying to convince her mom to get her for her room. Her parents wouldnt get them for her though because they were orange borders with a flower design and a picture of barbies head with a pleasent to her head it said "Fuck" her mom said no. Then I had another dream that I was telling Sean about my dreams and he told me to come over and go swimming...I went through my whole house looking for a bathingsuit and they all didnt fit or match.

--and that was about it for my dream. Wow I didnt realize how long it was. I guess this entry kind of had a purpose.

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01-15-04 11:39am

haha Karlene you have awesome dreams...I wish are buses were boats!


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01-15-04 4:39pm

Umm ... that was extremely weird.

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01-16-04 8:01am

yeah it was weird...i forgot acouple parts too...which were also weird...

and we should invent a bus/boat


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