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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-15-2004 at 6:35pm
Current mood: excited
Music: Simple Plan; Addicted
Subject: I'ma dick I'm addicted to you.
Guess what?! I got two new CD's today!! Simple Plan: no pads, no helmets... just balls, and Relient K: Two lefts don't make a right... but three do. I'm soo happy!!

Anyway... how was the half day for ya'll?? Mine was alright. I hung out w/ my grandma and Steph. Not exactly the funnest thing but it was pretty cool. I'm gonna' hang w/ my grandma again tomorrow and we're gonna' go rent some movies and chill at her house. Fun stuff.

So is there a dance tomorrow after the game or no?? I hope so! Oh and I talked to Mr. Reed about taking Drivers Ed in March and he was cool w/ it. He said drivings important so we'd work around it for softball. Yay rock on!
Ya' know... we're thinking about redoing the hang out portion of our room this pretty soon and I just don't know what I want it to look like. I know I want it to have Red and Black in it... they're my two favorite colors don't ya' know... but Stephy likes bright colors and Hawaiin (sp??) things so I just don't know. We definetly need an area for my drum set and our keyboard but we also need more storage and a place to watch TV. Too HARD I tell you! lol. This shoud be interesting don't ya' think?! heh. Give me your suggestions here people... I certainly need them!
Have a lovely day. Mucho amor, Rock on!
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bummer, 01-17-04 3:47pm

now i wish i had signed up for driver's training for March!! :(

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