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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 1-16-2004 at 5:45pm
Music: 'amazed' lonestar
i hate this place, this town, these inconsiderate people, it should be called 'blairstown home of the assholes' if you ask me.. woah.. they piss me off.. not everyone i'll say it, some people here are extremely nice.. but other people yea

delayed opening today.. it was really cold when i went outside this morning so delayed opening meant i had classes ...
language art A
language arts b

language arts wa soo boring.. we had to read our independent reading book.. and yea ...

spanish .. i dont really think we did much.. but jason got a mahawk and jon campbell didnt see it.. so he walked into spanish.. late.. and then sat in his seat.. and pointed at jason.. and got histerical. it was pretty funny...

and lab.. we pissed mr. u off ..

and gym was outta control.. like we were running around and just standing there talking.. no one cared.. i felt like i was having a heat stroke.. it was weird..

im sleeping over danielles.. tonite.. i just dunno what time yet.. it already quater to seven... later
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05-17-04 9:31pm

i got ytelled at... again


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