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moana (profile) wrote,
on 1-17-2004 at 2:04am
Current mood: X'll mark the place, like the parting of the waves
Music: radiohead - there there
Subject: just cuz you feel it, doesn't mean it's there...
that's radiohead's best line without a doubt. and then, i got the gay assed TB shots today, which sucked because the woman was so freakin rude, she literally, LITERALLY stabbed me with the needle, and when she pulled it out i started bleeding all over and the medicine or whatever that was in the shot started leaking out. so she grabs a wad of tissues, and proceeds to sqeeze them over the wound as they are. hahaha BITCH. and then, i'm back in computer class, NOT doibng my physics homework and NOT doing the computer project. i'm so inefficient... ah well. i have history after this which i'm so not in the mood for (big balls lang) i swear his balls are fucking GIGANTUOUS! no really! it's not even like you have to notice these things, they're just THERE and impossible to miss! even the guys noticed! it's impossible to concentrate in class, i'm always wondering "are they watching me? are they recording my every move?" it's horrid... my familia threw me a party yesterday! yay! my father got me a cake and they all sang for me n my uncle (we have the exact same birthday!) and they got me presents (necklace and a picture frame for my puzzle). it was real cool. i think i'm staying after school today for the talent show rehearsal. don't know. oh! blag's birthday tomorrow,, can't forget. and then...
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01-18-04 2:07pm


You notice your teacher's balls?

Lang? Ah, fuck. You're going to make me look now.

'know the whole "Are they watching me?" feeling. Paranoia, gotta love it.

ehgahd. Or, not.

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