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tuwang (profile) wrote, on 1-17-2004 at 11:29pm | |
Subject: I know I don't know you, but I want you so bad... Wait, no I don't , that lyric is wierdly good but bad. Crazy. Maybe it's just the way he sings it. |
So, once again, like I do every blue moon or so, I check my journals past. All those journal entries that you wish you didn't write. I noticed a few things , and here it comes. My list of things I've noticed about my past: 1I was depressed with the best of 'em As much as I'd like to deny it, I was a sad little fuck. I guess maybe I give crap to people for it because I figured out how it gets you no where. That's right all you emo kids out there, I'm not trying to crush your weak, pathetic, forlorn hearts, I'm simply trying to help you. 2. I was less of a Smart ass Pretty self explanitory. I guess I just started ripping into people more as time went on. Wait, now that I think about it, when am I not trying to insult people? 3. I thought I was talented I was soon proven wrong... 4.I kept writing about how nobody loved me Even though completely false, I guess I had a pity train goin, so whatever. Time and time again people told me they loved me. 2 in particular: Jessica Wilde and Charlie Schick(SP) Something had to make me look back and notice how dumb my stupid Depressed coma was, ANd you did it!! 5.I'm a whore It's pretty sad when you can relate most times to sexual encounters... It's almost like a sick inside joke with myself now. I flip out and say, Hey , I need to have some sort of sexual encounter so I can relate it to this time.Yes, I do regret most. and No, Not everything you've heard is true! It's not like I state it outloud, but I just now noticed that I do it all the time. Like as I was going through my journal I remember certain time periods by saying, hey that's about the time I was _______ing ________. I.E. *For example purposes only* Hey, I wonder what I was like then, or what I was doing, Hey , June 8th, 2002, That was about the time I was making out with sally!! Now I remember!! 6. I hated work I really did!! 7. I never wrote really funny things yeah, I'm still working on that one... 8. I shared far too much with people I blame this fact on most of the "problems" I had, which was pretty much people telling me I'm wrong about one thing or another anyways, so they weren't really my problems. 9. And in sad rememberance, we put to rest once and for all... Bruce Said Checkers Not putting the other two guys down, but it must be done. The band only made me angrier and caused me more "problems". Or so I read in my journal. 10. People really didn't notice their own stupidity Ah yes, the infamous Anonymous comment. I kept getting them, I never respond to them. Infact, taking an example from phil-himself, If I ever get another anonymous comment that does not have a name in it I'm deleting it. It's stupid to insult someone secretly. I mean, internet arguing is stupid as is, but really. I've done my fair share of arguing on woohu, but it was all in fun for me, because of boredom, if your seriously trying to insult someone, don't do it anonymously. Then when you point out their stupidity they try and flip it on you and it just doesn't work. I.E. *for example purposes only* we shall refer to Me, and "me", ANd the 2nd party as "Fucker" to make this easier to follow THe situation is one that I have said I'd like to ring her a new one, I was caught somewhere between "Rip her a new one" and " Ring her neck" ANd in frustration I typed speedily and said Ring her a new one. Some stupid petty little mistake. right? Well Fucker decided that he was soooo great and he had to make a comment on it. And I threaten him, naturally. Well, later I post a conversation between me and fucker in which he clearly states he better than me. This ofcourse makes him a complete hypocrite because I said "You think your all high and mighty" which he denied. Until later when he came straight out and said it. fucker. Well, point being that everybody then comes out and defends him, saying he's sooo great and everybody loves him and I'm an asshole. But then I go and do the same thing and the same exact people are giving me crap for it. Irionic? I do believe.. Well it's always safe to stop at 10, so there you go. |
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.j.e.s.s. | 01-18-04 1:32pm ...heh. |
crazygirl | 01-20-04 6:11pm you listen to the return? sweet. |