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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote,
on 1-18-2004 at 9:12pm
Current mood: crushed
Music: Dashboard Confessional.
I hate myself. I want to die a lonnggggg painful death. Alex just came over to get his jacket. I am so in love with him, it's completely killing me. to see him hur this much is worse than any kind of cut or burn or one of James's crazy grotesque fantasies. I need him so bad right now. and he needs me, but he doesn't want me, and I don't blame him. I feel so horrible. he couldn't look at me for more than 2 seconds..god, I'm such an idiot. I wouldn't blame him if he broke up with me. I don't know if he's going to..I can't take this. I'm hurting so much, but I deserve far worse. Alex, I'm sorry. I love you more than anything..
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01-18-04 8:40pm

i love you so much shannon.

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01-19-04 11:46am

i'm not breaking up with you. i want(ed) to see you. you dont deserve worse. the only one that deserves a long and painful death is clint... and he shall recieve one.

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