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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 12-4-2002 at 9:31am
Current mood: aggravated
Music: none
Subject: i donno
Some people have really strong opinions about things... I donno. Just some I dont like.....I've gotten negative responces from some people because they dont like the way I deal with things. If i be too specific it would be too easy to define what i'm talking about so i'm no going to go into it much. If you dont understand what i'm sayin just re read maybe 4 time it may come to you lol. I'm just kindof frustrated with some people. Today at lunch I'll probably go in the stairwell with Ashley again. It gives us time to catch up on the 4 years that we havent really talked to eachother much. I really wished she wouldnt have moved. We were such good friends. I miss everything about her. The bon fires, roller chairs lol, hot tub, the sleep overs we would have. I wish she still lived by me. It would be so awsome if she could move back.. although her old house isnt up for sale lol. Just because she moved doesnt mean we cant hang out. I think I'll spring for the oppertunity to become friends with her again. We need to old times. Anyways, I'll probably go to champion Thursday and friday. Or..I'll go to the North game on thursday and go to champion on friday. Is there a north game??? UHH...i dont *shows up at north and no ones there*lol that would be funny though. I have the perfect plan on what i'm going to do to him when i see him LOL....ITS GOING TO BE SOOO FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHHAAMAUAHAHAHAHAH. Maybe this plan is tooo.. perfect. I'll probably be to chicken to do it anyways but it was a good *slaps herself* COMMON GET WITH IT!!! Wooo! I need to draw more pics with megan for the poisonivy site. I know on the site I spelled poison, p-o-s-i-o-n because poisonivans was already taken..thats quite odd? lol

Well.. I best be going .... I have like 7 minutes before the bell rings..oh yeah i'm at school right now lol. .. Soo yeah.. bye.. I wont be online till Thursday. SHucks.
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Hi., 12-04-02 4:31pm


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