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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 1-20-2004 at 5:37pm
Music: at the drive in- invalid litte
Subject: You are my Martin Luther King Jr.
So yesturday Lauren, Lisa and I went to the mall. It was needed. I got two cd's. OAR and Finger 11...I dont know why I got Finger 11...oh well I'll listen to it. Then we ran into Arlen and hung out with him for awhile. And we hung out with Bryan and Ciara. They got me earings so I bought them lunch. :) We tried on the ugliest things we could find at H&M. Arlen tried on girls clothes at Kaufmans. Yeah so we wasted time and had fun.

Now I had to go to school today. It ended up not being that bad. History- We talked mostly. Gym- shitty groups but it wasnt too bad. Psych- A girl with Bi-Polar came in and did a presentation...I found it really interesting so it was a good class. English- I had to do my presentation which wasnt fun but not as bad as I anticipated. Then we read and I passed notes back and forth with the kid in front of me. So school wasnt bad. After school I made it through the cold to DD for my f-ing bagel that I wanted. It was good. So then my mom drove Lisa and Sean home...after we walked to 3 different cars thinking it was hers.

So now Im home...Im doing a report on At The Drive In. I just finished it really. Thank you Allen, Pete and Jay for "post alternative hardcore punk" and "post punk" ... that helps.

Now I think Im going to see if anything else can be done...Im motivated...Im never motivated. I think once I sit down with my bookbag it will go away. Maybe not...I was in one of those kinds of moods today. Now Im rambling.

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01-23-04 7:32am

your welcome


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