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m&ms487 (profile) wrote, on 12-6-2002 at 7:26pm | |
Current mood: calm Subject: Right now |
Nobody is on right now, and that's sad b/c my msn messenger has 20 people on it, and 5 of whom are almost always on the internet. Oh well. I don't have any homework this weekend, yeah! I'm probably just going to wrap Christmas presents and such. And think about (the person who's name will be unsaid for a long long time in this journal). His birthday is soon. He's so nice. hmmm. Sort of like the black sheep, but just a good boy on the inside. At least that's the front he puts up around me. Maybe, sometime, we can get together, that would be fun to do. | |
Post A Comment |
Fuck | 12-06-02 8:46pm I don't know....You havn't had good luck with guys on woohu...take me for an example
DirtyUnderwear | Re:, 12-06-02 9:10pm wait.....Robbys birthday is in december???? LOL :p |
Fuck | ok, 12-06-02 9:12pm How about I kill you? |
m&ms487 | Re:, 12-07-02 6:42pm Rob, shut up. That was a while ago. I learned a long time ago that I didn't like you anymore. So just get over it! |
miniredhawk | Is it..., 12-06-02 9:15pm Is it Curtis??? I don't know when his B-day is, O But I know that he's your secert lover.. lol, just playing with you and you know that! |
miniredhawk | Is it..., 12-06-02 9:19pm Is it Curtis??? I don't know when his B-day is, O But I know that he's your secert lover.. lol, just playing with you and you know that! |
Fuck | Re: Is it..., 12-06-02 9:35pm Hey lets not post the same comment twice! |
DirtyUnderwear | Re: Re: Is it..., 12-06-02 9:37pm Is it.....God!? I bet it is isnt it!!! Gods bday is December 25th you know. LOL I gotchya! |
Fuck | Re: Re: Re: Is it..., 12-06-02 9:43pm Well actually Sir.... according to the catholic church...and some protestant denominations(theres 26 thousand denominations) but eastern orthodox say its in July and to tell you the truth its not really that day the catholics made christmas on that day to cover up an old pagon holiday.....thats it i'm done |
DirtyUnderwear | 12-06-02 9:46pm Isnt Santa God?? Seriosly some random guy flies around the world and delivers presents to millions of people. It has to be God in disguise. |
Fuck | Suck it santa, 12-06-02 9:48pm Santa is a crackhead
Tabletop | Re: Re: Re: Re: Is it..., 12-06-02 9:50pm the catholics didn't do it, an emperor of rome did it as part of unifying the nation in Christianity. Details are sketchy about "Christ's" birth, but seeing the bible states that it was when "the sheperds were out in the field" it couldn't have been any later then mid October. |
Fuck | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is it..., 12-06-02 9:52pm The Catholics did it because during that time the catholics were the official religion of rome maybe you can buy a text book with that wasted money you gave to woohu! |
DirtyUnderwear | 12-06-02 9:52pm AND Santa Clause 2!! You cant foget about the damn sequel! |
Fuck | Re:, 12-06-02 9:53pm Have you ever saw a sequel better than the first? |
DirtyUnderwear | Re:, 12-06-02 9:53pm Or the BIBLE??? Your antichrist arent you andy!? |
Fuck | Re: Re:, 12-06-02 9:59pm The Bible what really is the Bible?
DirtyUnderwear | 12-06-02 10:03pm Good to know. Just wondering but.....why do you have the notes anyways??? You dont go to a "religious" school. |
Fuck | Re:, 12-06-02 10:18pm I go to your mom if that's what you mean?
Fuck | Re: Re:, 12-07-02 6:22pm
(reply to comment) |
Tabletop | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is it..., 12-07-02 7:50pm Yes, but they were catholics only in name for many decades after that. Most of them continued to worship their "pagan gods" Also, when most people think of catholics, they think of the vatican, not Rome. |
Fuck | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is it..., 12-08-02 5:14pm LETS AVOID ARGUMENT AND AGREE ON THAT CATHOLICS ARE EVERYWHERE |
Laurel | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is it..., 12-10-02 5:57pm EXCUSE ME! yes Catholics ARE everywere like right here. :) |