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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 1-22-2004 at 4:45pm
Current mood: bored
Music: my stupid mouth by john mayer
Subject: LOOKIE! i finally figured out how to play my heart will go on (from titanic) on the so excited...and i figured out how to play scales and feels good to finally play a worth while song......not like kumbaya......haha so yea im happy.....i got my report card....and i am thrilled! on my ap euro test.......the one i thought i was gonna get a C on.....apparently i knew more than i thought cuz i got an A! ...... not only that but second quarter i have all A's and only one B and on my semester average....i got STRAIGHT A'S! what a beautiful so proud of myself.....getting straight a's in ib is like.......crazy i am soooo proud of me! and u know whats the best part? eventhough i got like one or two b's during the 1st and 2nd doesnt matter cuz i got all a's on my semester average and that is all that colleges see anywayz! so whoot whoot! go me......omg.......yesterday.....shilpa went up to colin after track and asked him if he liked me!!!!! even after i specifically told her not to tell him anything! she calls me up and she's like...."ok hypothetical question.....say u have a friend who has a friend who likes a the first friend, being a very nice friend!, asks the guy the second friend likes if he likes her.....and....." and right there i flipped out......."YOU DID WHAT?!"....."no thaimi no......HYPOTHETICAL!" hahahha agh! i was so mad at her for asking him that! but his response wasn't's how the convo went...or so i hear "hey colin can i ask you something....but u gotta keep this just between us" "ok" "do u have any feelings for thaimi?" "i dunno...i mean she's cool...i guess i haven't really thought bout dating her.........why?....did she tell u to ask me?(supposedly in an eager voice)" "oh .... no no i just saw you guys flirting a lot during lunch and i was wonderin" "oh yeah we were flirting a lot today" end of convo.............agh! alritey shilpa just called so i gtg buhz byez

song: my stupid mouth by john mayer
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well, 01-22-04 6:26pm

colin wants to have all ur babies! whoo! dude ima go to health exciting! I got my restricted! yay adn anything else i need to add umm i got 4 a's and 4 b's...and for my semester grades i have 4 a's and 4 b's...and for my midterms i have i think 4 a's, 3 b's *one mite change to an A* and one C *physics which i thought i was gonna get an F in*

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Re: well, 01-24-04 9:44am

YOU'RE DRIVING HOORAH!.......and i already commented to that stuff in ur journale so go read mujer!

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