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linkedfantasy (profile) wrote,
on 1-23-2004 at 11:05am
Current mood: drained
Music: Evanescence in my head: Tourniquet
Subject: Everybody's waiting for that something they can hold onto, while tripping over our own words to self-dug graves for an excuse to fall, becuase every failure's just as sweet as the last...
Another update in the computer seems useless to hold in what really is to be concealed to the public. But writing makes me feel better..... so, what has gone on today? I wasn't gonna eat, so i made believe i forgot my lunch money at home. But the pangs came and made me feel devistated that i wanted to do that to myself. Even though I don't really care about myself, i know others would be hurt because I'm doing this. An old friend told me that if i killed myself, she would hate me. Suicide is stupid, I know. But it feels so good to feel feel pain.... maybe it's just me.

forever and today
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01-23-04 4:39pm

.. thats realy creapy , i forgot my lunch money on purpose today too, but the temptation was too much i was so hungry i borrowed some from kaitlyn :)

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