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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 12-7-2002 at 11:08pm
Music: Blink182- The Party Song
Do you want to come to a party
my friends pick me up in truck at 11:30
this things at a frat house with people that are cool there
reluctant I followed but I never dreamed there'd
be someone there who would catch my attention
I wasn't out looking for love or affection...

yo. Went to the movies tonight. saw El Saunta Clause 2. it was funny in some parts, nothing too great. Went with Keegan , Courtney and ally. Courtney's retarded. Oh well. later
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12-08-02 10:03am

but i paid my fee and the girls got in free
shined the beer for tequilla and we headed into the party..

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