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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote,
on 1-23-2004 at 6:02pm
Current mood: angry.agitated.aggravated.pissedoff.sad.fuck.
Music: my chemical romance
Subject: diediedie.
Have you ever...
1. Fallen for your best friend – yes.
2. Made out with JUST a friend – I guess..
3. Been in love – yes.
4. Used someone – no.
5. Been used – probably..yea..
6. Done something you regret – of course.

Last person...
1. You touched – Alex..I think.
2. You talked to - my dad.
3. You hugged - Alex.
4. You instant messaged - Jennah.
5. You yelled at – Mishel or Clint.
6. You laughed with – Rach.
7. You had a crush on – Alex.
8. Who broke your heart – Alex..but it happens all the time with both of us.

Do you...
1. Color your hair – yea.
2. Have tattoos - no.
3. Piercings - ears..
4. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both – boyfriend..unless you wanna count Jennah too.
5. Floss daily – nope.
6. Own a webcam – no.
7. Ever get off the damn computer – yea.
8. Sprechen sie deutsche – wtf mate?
9. Habla espanol – Si.

Have u/do u have...
1. Considered a life of crime – only after watching the Hannibal Lector movies..and then I realized I wasn't that smart.
2. Considered being a hooker – not yet.
3. Considered being a pimp – fuck yea.
4. Split personalities - you have to admit that everyone does.
5. Panic – yea..especially around fuckin deadline..RACHEL AND ERIN.
6. Anxiety - ^^
7. Depressed – guess.
8. Suicidal – not at the moment.
9. Obsessed with hate - can be.
10. If you could be anywhere, where would you be – Switzerland.
11. What are you listening to – My Static Star playlist..consisting of My Chemical Romance, A Static Lullaby, and North*..creative, huh?
12. Can you do anything freakish with your body –
13. Chicken or fish – chicken.
14. Do you have a favorite animal – I don't think so.

1. Clothes – jeans and this black wife beater that I wrote "Demolition Lover" on last night..oh yea, and a jakcet.
2. Mood – h o r r i b l e
3. Taste – the egg roll I'm eating.
4. Hair – down.
5. Annoyance – everything.
6. Smell – the egg roll.
7. Thing I ought to be doing – being happy.
8. Desktop Picture – picture of me and Alex..
9. Favorite Group – My Static Star.
10. Book – Dharma Punx-Noah Levine..or the Sisterhood of the Traveling PAnts summers 1 and 2 by Ann Brashares..ohh, or The Rose and the Beast by Francesca Lia Block.
11. Worry – not going into it.
12. Crush – Alex..if you wanna call him a "crush"

1. Drink – apple juice.
2. Color(s) – pink, green, and black.
3. Shoes – old school cons.
4. Candy – swedish fish..which I could really use right now.
5. TV Show – Everwood.
6. Movie – Empire Records.
7. Dance – wtf?

Are you...
1. Understanding – yes.
2. Open-minded - yes.
3. Insecure - sometimes.
4. Interesting – not really.
5. Hungry – just ate.
6. Friendly – I try.
7. Smart – I'm booksmart..don't really know if I'm common-sense smart.
8. Moody – yes.
9. Childish - only when I'm having fun.
10. Independent – I try..
11. Hard working – most of the time.
12. Organized – ehh..
13. Healthy – hah, I don't think so..
14. Emotionally Stable – no.
15. Shy – I usually only talk when spoken to..some people think of that as shy so you decide.
16. Difficult - I guess.
17. Attractive – depends.
18. Bored Easily - not at all..and I'm annoyed by people who are.
19. Thirsty - not really.
20. Responsible – depends.
21. Sad – yes.
22. Happy – I don't see Alex no..I know I'm a fuckup because my happiness relies on him but..oh well.
23. Trusting – yea.
24. Talkative – can be.
25. Unique – don't think so.
26. Needy – depends.

Who do you want to...
1. Kill – a lot of people.
2. Slap – even more people.
3. Look like – no one.
4. Be like – myself..but I don't know what she's like.
5. Talk to offline - no one in particular.

On you...
1. Name – Shannon.
2. Nicknames – Shano..Pop.
3. Hair color – blonde and dark red.
4. Eye Color - I don't really know..brown..and kind of green I guess.
5. Siblings – older sister.
6. How do you describe yourself – fuck.
7. What's your sign – aries.
8. Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend – yes.

On friends...
1. Best Friend(s) – oh geez, this is where everyone gets all emotional and left, well, I guess it isn't really a problem with me because I have non..I mean, okay fine. best friends you're asking for? the Fabs and Alex.
2. Friend(s) you hang out with - Fabs, Alex, Patrick.
3. Friend(s) you have the most fun with - Alex and Patrick..and the Fabs though we don't do much anymore..
4. Friend(s) you've dreamt about – Fabs, Alex.
5. Friend(s) you tell secrets to – Fabs, Alex.

On preferences...
1. Chocolate milk or hot chocolate – hot chocolate.
2. McDonalds or Burger King – McDonald's..or Burger King..what's the difference?
3. Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend – perfect friend.
4. Sweet or sour - sweet.
5. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper – see question 2.
6. Sappy/action/comedy/horror – sappy..well, right now at least.
7. Cats or dogs – cats.
8. Ocean or Pool – neither..
9. Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheesier – Nacho Cheesier.
10. Mud or Jello wrestling – Mud is dirty..but Jello tastes
11. With or without ice-cubes – doesn't really matter..except apple juice..that's gotta have ice cubes.
12. Shine or rain – depends.
13. Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring - spring.
14. Vanilla or Chocolate – Chocolate.
15. Snowboarding or skiing – do I look athletic to you?
16. Cake or cookies - cookieS.
17. Cereal or toast – toast.

that gave me something to do..since I have absolutely nothing to do..except maybe finish the essay for english..but I'll need something to do at midnight. ya know what I really hate? besides everything I mean..people who are always like, "no one leaves comments in my journal..someone leave comments." it really pisses me off because it's like, who the hell are you writing for? I personally thought that youre supposed to right for yourself..not someone who mihgt leave a comment. I'm never going to leave a comment in someone's woohu if I see matter how intriging the entry is. youre almost getting what you want..I thought about it...but sorry, you're just not interesting enough. die.
I have nothing to do tonight because I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm trying to let the people I care about get hurt. because that's what they want and as long as theyre not dying..I'll give them what they want. Jennah wants to be hurt by Brett, so I'm letting her. Alex wants to be hurt by them, so I'm letting him. I hope theyre having fun. but I wish I was allowed to do something I want once in a while. oh well, I'm not living for me anymore anyways.

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01-23-04 9:14pm

you seem a bit bitchy today. hm. this isn't shannon-like.

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01-24-04 10:47pm's.such.fucking.shit.

i love you :)

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I don't love to hate - I made a woohu, 01-25-04 10:32pm

okay, first of all, your comments thing is getting on my nerves, it pisses me off, stop it. Change it, get rid of it, people who love to hate..."You know you love to hate? WTF is that mate?..."3 brought their hate to me?" Shannon do you want hate brought to you? There is no reason to hate you, but god damn people will if you ASK them too....I'm sorry...I just don't like it......I didn't mean to offend...I should get the point i hope..i don't like it. Re-asses your self worth, you're worth alot to other shannon, you are worth, the sun, earth, moon and stars to cooper, you are worth alot to jennah and you are worth the sunshine on my worst day to me, so you better believe it kid.(bad spelling)

This be my woohu if you feel like putting my in your inner woohu circle


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