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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 1-24-2004 at 7:05pm
Current mood: boredisimo
Music: love song for no one by john obsessed yo se...hehe
Subject: cute survey i found
I AM: thaimi

I WANT: to be happy

I HAVE: good friends

I WISH: i was less lazy

I HATE: blonde bimbos and whiney ppl

I MISS: miami

I FEAR: i wont get into a good college

I HEAR: john mayer

I SEARCH: for true love

I WONDER: if it truly exists

I REGRET: some of the things i say

I LOVE: laughing

I ALWAYS: make stupid jokes hehe

I AM NOT: gay

I DANCE: occassionally

I SING: alllllllll the time......

I CRY: on rare occasions.....unless a walk to remember is on hehe

I AM NOT ALWAYS: honest/nice

I WRITE: poetry

I WIN: .....what what do i win? ooh is this some sort of contest?! JUSTIN!

I LOSE: nothing......everyone's a winner in the game of life.......HAHA ... had to throw a corny one liner in here somewhere....come on u shoulda seen that one comin!

I CONFUSE: many ppl....including myself

I NEED: affection

I SHOULD: go do my hw...
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01-24-04 7:19pm

I am: Yara

I want: no more pain

I have: a cold sore

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Re:, 01-24-04 7:54pm

umm......that's like a not even a fourth of the survey woman...

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Re: Re:, 01-27-04 9:07pm

hey! omg, everywhere we go we speak of Catcher in the Rye now...we had this author come speak to us,...her name is Francine Prose,a dn she was like, is Catcher in the Rye illegal to read in this school..*cuz of rebellious issues* and we are like nooooooo...and she's like..oo u guys are lucky...well that lady is really cool...i think ima read her book After, or maybe Blue Angel. She was very modest, she like inspired me to wanna be a writer, and she gave some tips.

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