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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 1-25-2004 at 8:11am
Current mood: awake
Music: Dashboard Confessional-Hands Down
Subject: ~*~Somtimes the things you want the most, you just can't have...but you'll get there with hope~*~
Yesterday was a blast! We picked up Caleb, Tyler, and then Jess and my dad drove us to Pando and dropped us off. Oh my gosh, I had such a good time! Lol it was great. We went tubing, and it was so much fun. Sounds a little dorky, but it was the funnest I've had in awhile. Lol me and Jess looked like stupid little penguins with all the crap on, lol next time when they take us to learn how to snowboard I think we'll go alittle better pre-pared right Pappy? lol Good times. I'm glad we went. Espically those people, coudln't have been funner.
So afterwards my dad dropped us off at the movies and we went and saw Along Came Polly cos me and Jess had been wanting to see that, so we dragged Tyler and Caleb along even though Tyler's seen it twice before then. Lol oh well he didn't seem to mind. It was a good movie. Then Tyler's mom dropped us off back at Jess's. Where we called them talked to them all night on the phone and on here, lol so all together I had a great day!

On a different note. Ughhh that is so stupid. I don't even care anymore. How dare you take your two's problem out on me. You even apologize for it, and then start all over. What is that?!?! This is not my problem, so you better figure it out yourself without blaming me for it. BEcause best friends don't do that to one another. lieing?!? wtf. ughhh so stupid! When you're ready to start being a real friend who can keep your personal issues away from blaming me, then *you* can talk to me. Otherwise it's going to be pretty silent for a while. akjdflakjdf STUPID!

Well Me and Jess have to start getting ready for church so I'll talk to ya later. <3 Love lots-Jess <3
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hey, 01-26-04 10:20am

Jess. omg thanx for helping me w/ that anynymous thing. that really made me upset. but yeah enough of that.

You HUNG OUT W/ CALEB?????AHH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! next time you guys go boarding tho. give me a call! im glad you had fun. and its ok to feel alittle childish. hell. i do all the time! haha. and ya even went to the movies. i think that he still cares. how bout you? and tyler who went now?. im glad ya had fun there too.

and i dont really know what to say about that last one. i hope its not about me. lol . and i hope ya had fun at church. call me later to talk.
Lots of Love
~smile. cos i luv u~

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hey, 01-26-04 10:24am

well first off. thanx w/ the whole anonymous thing. that pissed me off. but im okay now!

im soo glad that you had fun w/ tyler and jess and *Caleb*. do ya still feel for him? you can call me for that answer ;). lol but then ya even went to a movie w/ him. it sounds to me like hes still interested ...:D im soo happy for you!. but next time you go boarding you call me.! cos i love it! and i luv u! haha sorry i gotta go. *moms yellin*
Lots of Love
~smile, cos I luv u~

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01-29-04 2:39pm

lol it's alright I love all of the messages. hehe next time I'll call ya. lov ya lots, and don't sweat that annoymous loser.

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