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moana (profile) wrote, on 1-25-2004 at 6:42am | |
Current mood: devious Music: *DUM DUM DUM!* Subject: THE TRUTH ABOUT BLAG |
you wanted to hear it well here it is. barney may have soem better clue about what i'm talking about because this was her idea to begin with. well this is it:blag is the reminder of everything good that's ever happened to me. he's the best of zach, rakan, faisal, and scottie rolled into one. he treats me like everyday is our anniversary, he makes me like the way i look, i've put on three kilos since we started this little tryst and i haven't dieted yet. that's improvement. he says little things that mean the world to me, things like "comfortable silence". he's a gentlemen at heart, merged beautifully with a true metalhead. it's like a cross between zach and damien. it's nice. there is something very sincere about the way he smiles which lets me think he has the capability to be truly happy. i enjoy spending time around happy people, it makes me, in turn, happy. and you know something else? when we're together, it's serious. i know that at that time, during those moments, if i asked him to marry me, he would. and you know what else? if he asked me to marry him, i would. we're good together. it's like conway was talking about in class: the perfect combination is finding someone who's so perfectly fantastical to talk to and who you have chemistry with on a phsical level. well this is it, and you know what makes it even more perfect? this isn't a relationship, and there are no obligations, no commitments, and no feelings of "must" or "should". this is a matter of pure, rich, luxurious CHOICE. and i intend to keep it that way. fredubine, barney, this may come as a shock to you, but i don't feel for him, and i don't WANT to feel for him. the beauty of our relationship is the lack therof. i will not ruin that. the decision is this: i'll talk to him when he gets back about loosening up, acting more like buddies and less like a couple, and things will remain the same. i'm happy this way, and it's good for me, emotionally AND physically. mentally i might be a wreck, but you know what, who cares? i've always been two screws loose. so that's that. end of story. if you're disappointed i'm sorry, if you're pleased then yay. but the least you can do now is leave me in that set of mind. don't bug me about it anymore, because it's that very bugging (BARNEY!) that got me into this mess to begin with! so if you have any questions post them, i hope i've covered everything, all i wanna say is ENOUGH. the TRUTH ABOUT BLAG has been brought to you by, the various identities of ToTo/fajeh/concubine/jo/kewkie. |
Post A Comment |
Barney | oh fajeh, 01-25-04 1:24pm oh fajeh
hellborn | Re: oh fajeh, 01-26-04 8:31am pfft. She doesn't need a man (aka, so called "love") to make her happy if she's satisfied with the other aspects of their relationship. And, frankly, I think that's good. It's less complicated. |
moana | 01-27-04 1:19am thank you AC, i couldn't have put it better. and barney, i KNOW how he feels because he TOLD me. we have fun, we got to be friends, but we will never date. that's that. cinquo ci cinquo ca. any other questions? |
Barney | Re:, 01-27-04 2:13pm no fajeh.. youre tiny and delicate and i love you (@)
moana | Re: Re:, 01-28-04 4:26am yay! i marry mr. perovich! *swoon* and thank you fredubine *waltzes with concubine* |
Barney | 01-27-04 2:14pm Make that Maid of Honour! (or as i like to say" Maid of Tinyness.. or MADE of tinyness") '-'
stiglio | Re:, 01-28-04 3:26am I respect your decision, concubine. Its good that you can have something that makes you happy without all the commitment along with it. I hope you find something special with him :)