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EmoKidAmerica (profile) wrote,
on 1-25-2004 at 10:40pm
What's his name?:Robbie
How old is he?:Thirteen.
What's his nationality?:American.
What are his 3 best qualities?:He's loving, caring, understanding..
His 3 worst?:Jealous tendencies.. um.. he's lied before... and..?
What's his family like?:They're very religious, but loving. and they care ALOT. ;)
How is he with kids?:Haha, probably. Since he is like a little kid. I think it'd be cute to watch him play with a little kid sometime. He'd probably make a great dad..
Does he treat you well? How?:Very well.. He trusts me, he's always hugging me, loving me, sticking up for me.. normal stuff. small stuff, but it makes me feel loved and wanted and cherished.
As A Couple.
How long have you two been together?:I've known he likes me since.. 11-27.. but we've been inseperable since like.. August.
How and when did you two meet?:6th grade.. in homeroom.
Did you know it was going to last?:We didn't start being a "couple" until like.. two months ago.. But I think it's gonna last.
Can you picture yourself spending your life with him?:Oh yeah.
Do you want to have his children?:Haha, I'm only 13.. but it's a nice thought.
What's the best memory you two ever had together?:It wouldn't be special if I told you.
The worst?:Just stupid arguments.
What's the best day you've ever shared?:1-17-04.. or.. 10-18-03.. or even.. 1-23-04
Have either of you ever cheated?:I guess you can't call it cheating if you're not going out. But stuff has happened.. yeah.
If so, how did you deal with it?:Talked about it.
Do you have names for your kids?:Haha. He disagrees with everything I say.
What are they?:I like the names Joel... or Chase, Christian.. And I like the name Melody.
What song makes you think of him?:"I'll Be" By the Goo Goo Dolls.
Out of all the little things he does, what's your favorite?:Just the way he hugs me. Or kisses on the cheek. They're my favorite.
What does he do that annoys you sometimes?:Haha. Just prying at me when I won't tell him something.
How much have you guys shared?:I dunno. I guess a lot.
On a scale of 1-10, what's the cuteness level?:Oh.. definitely 9 or 10.
What's your nicknames for each other?:Haha. We don't really have nicknames.. Though I do call him baby..
If you could some him up in what word, what would it be?:incredible.. or amazing.. or PHENOMENAL..
If you could tell him anything right now, what would it be? Say anything.:Just that.. I love him with all my heart.. And I'd do anything for him. I'd do anything to see him happy, I'd do anything to keep things the way they are now.
Are you in lust with him?:Maybe... I dunno. Sort of.
What's the sexiest thing about him?:His eyes.. or his voice. Yum.
Finally, are you really in love?:Yeah. I am.

Your boyfriend brought to you by BZOINK!
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Another SURVEY!, 01-25-04 10:49pm

Eye color:Blue
Hair color:Naturally.. brown. But it's blonde right now.
Hieght:Like.. five something.
Shyest:None of us are shy. And if it was.. it'd be me.
Most normal:None of us are normal, trust me.
Drunk:Haha, JESSIKER!
Wears glasses:Robbie/Dixon/Josh
Gets laid alot:Hahaha
Hottest:Robbie. Coleman's hot too. But Robbie's the hottest.
Best name:Matthew Ian.
best hair:Hm.. Robbie's is cool. But Coleman's is so unruly. I love playing with it.
Have you ever...
Done drugs:Nope.
If so, what:nothin.
Had you drank:Yeah.
If so, have you thrown up:Nope.
Had sex:Nope..
If so, who was your first:..
How many times:...
Who was your best:..
fougt your best friend:Yeah.
Got your ass kicked:Nope.
Mooned someone:Nope.
Flashed someone:Yeah..
went striking:nope.
skinny dipped:nope.
Played sex:nope.
been paid to do something with a guy/girl:not paid.
Cheated on a boy/gril friend:Nope.
Been to a smoke shop:Dont think so.
What do you think when you hear these words
Apple:HAHAHA. Chelsea and Ian's conversation that one time. HAHAHAH.
4 20:Well.. 4-2 is my bday..
Nightmare Before Christmas:BILLAYYY! And.. Best freakin' movie EVER.
Bestfriend:Jessica Lynn.
bedroom:First real kiss.
Pirates:Etarip Islands! *sniffle*
Rancid:TIM AND LARS!!!! And.. a great freakin band.
Person you talk to:Daddy
with your friends:Friday
phone call:Brittney

Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

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