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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 1-26-2004 at 8:25pm
Current mood: sick
Music: 'change' good charlotte
Subject: i hate being sick
i hate being sick, i went to the doctor today, they did this strept test that came back negative, but like i guess half a time you really do i strept throat .. i probably just didnt have it long enough for them to tell.. so they did another one.. and im gonna know tomorrow morning.. and im not goin to school tomororw and if i have strept im not coming back until friday!! which sucks really bad.. im so bored here.. err... i think mallory got me sick... err .. today was rachels birthday shes 3 .. haha i have such young siblings
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05-17-04 9:14pm

dude... so like my bra wasgiving me black and bues.. so i took it off and my tank top too... so i am wearing a t shirt... and i feel so... un supported


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