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collageof-frozenfear (profile) wrote,
on 1-27-2004 at 10:58am
Current mood: blah
Subject: Lots of excitment ...
God, this is a WAY long story so I'm gonna try to cut it as short as I can. The night before last, Me and mom got into this big fight because I asked her if I could just drop out and get my GED. Well, then she told me we should just go out onto the porch and fight so somebody could call the cops and they could just go ahead and take her.
Well, that pissed me off some more so I went into my room.
She comes in there and starts digging through my drawers and find my cigarettes. She says "Ooo, Kristen, lets go for a ride and smoke. You can tell me why you hate me so much" (Keep in mind, she's in that little state of mind where her voice has changed and she looks at you really weird like shes testing you all the time) Well, i keep telling her no and I finally go. MOM doesn't smoke but she was. We'll skip the rest and move on to the next part!

We come home and Brandon calls to see If I can go with him if Justin picks me up and takes me home. Mom says I can go .... so we go riding around and we stop at Shooters to watch everybody play some pool. We leave because brandon has to come home. Justin and Tyler, however, wanted to drop Brandon off, take me with them to go on a drug run really quick and then drop me and tyler off since all this is on "the way". We see Andy and Brandon asks Andy if he'll have the car so he can take me home. But ALL the times Andy's said he could, he ends up not being able to. Well, Brandon didn't want me around the drugs because "I can't take care of myself if something was to go wrong" and he didn't want me to get busted with them. BUT!!! The other day, brandon asked if he could sell!! Hmmmm.... interesting, eh?

Well, Brandon gets pissed and beats the hell out of Justin's truck and I told him I would stay with him. Well then he starts yelling at me to get my ass in the truck, blah blah. (This is a really long story ... DisContinue if you'd like) Then, he walks off and slams the front door on me so I get in the car. I was sitting between tyler and Justin and this just like, royally pissed me off. So, he comes out of the house and says "And don't FUCKING call me!" So his mom comes out!!! I end up getting out of the car and we go in and he just keep yelling and yelling. And then he says "Remember what happened the last time you said you'd do anything for a ride home???" Since you guys don't know what that was, I was molested. Blah. Anyway, he starts punching his dresser and his mirror shattered and so I ended up going home. On the way, he just kept fucking talking and talking and going on and on. I was so stressed I was about to just ... get sick all through the car and he still wouldn't stop when I ASKED him.

I ended up telling my mom what happened and she got pissed off and said we needed a break from eachother because she wasn't gonna have him talking to me like that. I hear ONE phone ringin and then it just stops. This goes on for a while. So I go out into the kitchen and all the phones are gone except the one in mom's room. I asked her to let me use it really quick and she's like "nope" ... So I left the house. She told me If I passed the intersection, she was gonna call SO on me. I was like ... Shit, I don't even know what SO is so fucking call them.

I'm gone for a little over an hour ... just sitting in the middle of the road crying.

I come back home and Jeff says "Where the fuck is your mom??" -- "I dunno" -- "Get in your room and don't you fucking come out"

He locks his bedroom door so I get my moms key and open it to call Brandon. Turns out, mom left to pick him up to go look for me. Brandon lives like, ten minutes away and I was only like, a little more than half a mile down the street.

Jeff pulls up and says "Don't touch the phone, the computer, NOTHING. I'm sick of your god damned bull shit"
He acts like I do something wrong every fucking day! And I don't.
Then, mom pulls up with Brandon. She just tells me to pack my shit and she went in the house. I later discovered that we were probably gonna end up moving out because our family is so fucked. Brandon sits down next to me and says he's sorry. Exactly what I knew he'd end up saying.

We go in my room and talk ... blah blah ... and I notice a lot of the skin on his arm is like, scraped off. He said it happened when he hit his mirror but I later found out he did it with an eraser.
And this is also the guy who bitched at me about cutting because it was "stupid and he didn't understand it". Wow =P

I guess that's all. There's much more but I'm not in the mood to tell it all. I've typed enough.

I'm home sick AGAIN. For like, the 3rd week. I went to school yesterday and the pain around my bladder was so horrible, oh my god. Well, the doctor called with ANOTHER thing that was wrong with me. So now, I'm going to a specialist so they can make sure all the infections are out of my stomach.

I just say they remove all my organs and fill me with stuffing ... Mom says that might cause cancer though =)
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01-27-04 6:43pm

"I'm sorry" never did anyone any good, eh? >:|

::has things to say, but doesn't know how to put them in words::

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