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moana (profile) wrote,
on 1-28-2004 at 10:13am
Subject: sexist
Too weak to fight back
All I could do was try to hide
With no where to go I took it all
Trying to make it, just survive
I don’t know anymore why he beats me up
I lost track of his reasons and lies
So I hate him more each time he…
I’m waiting for a morning he chokes and dies
It could be that he’s thirty years older
Or maybe it’s just because he’s a man
Because I’m too weak to fight back
And maybe women can’t do everything men can
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01-28-04 2:44pm

i have a lovely bunch of coconuts deedleedeedeedeeeeedeee standing in a row!I LUV U AND MISS U TOTO!*mwah*

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01-28-04 2:45pm

i have a lovely bunch of coconuts deedleedeedeedeeeeedeee standing in a row!I LUV U AND MISS U TOTO!*mwah*

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01-28-04 2:45pm

i have a lovely bunch of coconuts deedleedeedeedeeeeedeee standing in a row!I LUV U AND MISS U TOTO!*mwah*

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Re:, 01-29-04 7:58am

awww i heart and miss you too andy! *smack*

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