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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 12-11-2002 at 7:29pm
Current mood: Bloated and Cold lol
Music: None.. i forgot we have kazaa now! yay
Subject: Noffin
Yeah today was pretty boring. I got home and took a hour nap besides the fact that i should probably do my U.S. History homework even though its not due tomorrow.. oh well...Then i had to take my kitty to the vet. Hes getting declawed and nudered. Then my daddykins gets the rest of the week off because he has to have surgery soon so GUESSS WHATTT ...I GET TO WAKE UP AN HOUR LATE AND HES TAKIN ME TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!! YES! I LOVE MY DADDY! I wonder if he will make me breakfast? lol I never eat breakfast even thought they say its "the most important meal of the day" yeah...who cares. I'm bored and tired and cold. BUT comfy..i have my pjs on..of course. I have no clue what i'm wearing tomorrow that bugs me. I like clothes lol. I like sleeping. I like cheese also. Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll thennn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I donno if theres anything else to say. I think i had something important to say but i dont remember.
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12-12-02 3:40pm

Okay I dont know if this is supposed to happen but umm everytime I go to your site the song Blurry plays


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Re:, 12-15-02 7:33pm

Your very observant

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