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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-30-2004 at 4:31pm
Current mood: sleepy
Music: A healthy mix of Relient K and Simple Plan
Subject: "I'm leavin' on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again"
I'm SO excited about tonight. Sorry but I just can't stop thinking about it! It's gonna' rock so hard! lol. I'm being a dork again aren't I? Yea... oops hehe.
Matt is now 17... I feel so deeply young right now. Ellie turned 17 Wednesday and Jake's been 17 since December. Larissa Wagner's 17 and Herera is almost 17. Kayla, Kate, Allison, and Cherie are already 15. I'm still 14. Gosh that seems young. But there are only 49 days until I will join the world of 15-year-olds. Yipee! lol. And only 12 days after that I'll be able to get my permit and then in June I'll take segment 2 and in March next year I'll be able to DRIVE!! ha. rock on.

Anyway. I'm so bored... all they have on TV are reruns of shows that I never liked the first ten times they were on. Oye Vaye.

Have you guys ever heard the song by Relient K called Mood Rings? It's SO awesome. And I agree. We should get emotional people just in general, not even necissarily just girls, to wear mood rings. That would so rock.

Well I must be off now, I shall talk w/ you later. Mucho amor, Rock on.
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01-30-04 5:04pm

well you're older than six hours!!!! lol our birthday is so close!!! i can't wait

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01-31-04 10:06am

Im still 14 too. I know how you feel, except my bday is 150 days away... not 14... lol well Happy early bday too you!

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