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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 2-1-2004 at 1:48pm
Current mood: wonderful
Music: some john mayer song.....number 7 if u must know
Subject: sigh so much to say..
aloha! wowsers i have soooooo much to say! wellz yesterday was the latin forum (competition) and omg it was soooo much fun!!!!! omg the night before i had to learn like 5 new tenses in latin in order to prep for the grammar test......i had to learn the future tense, the future perfect tense, the pluperfect tense, the passive voice, the perfect tense, and the imperfect tense.......ay dios mio....hehe i learned them all though! well when i got there the first person i saw was alex......oh yea i forgot to say that i had to wake up at 6 30 in the morning on a SATURDAY! haha well anywayz my mom dropped me off and at that exact same time alex pulled up so me and him hung out for a while hahahhaha he's so funny! he kept makin fun of my beautiful drawing......that dildo! haha so ya then adamus showed up! we had such a blast haha. well we finally went inside and registered our creative projects and then went and sat down in the aud....after roaming for a lil while unsure of where to go....hehe. so ya we sat and adam were lookin around the aud talkin bout how much smaller it was than ours.....hahaha and how it was prolly cuz they spend all their money on actual edu.....while we just spend it on our aud....heheh so ya then i got up and bought a pop tart.....hehe. they did this whole welcome speech crapiola.......then we went off and took our tests.....they were so hard! omg they had like analogies in latin! i can barely work those in english! jesus christ! but w/e i took the vocab 1 test and the grammar 1 test. after that i met up wit carrolus and pulchra (these r their latin names btw cuz i dont really know their real names hehe) so yea we met up and we hung out and then we realized we had to go to certamen! which is like this brain bowl thingus where we're in a group and we go against other schools and buzz in to answer q's and's soo much fun! but anywayz certamen was starting in like 5 minutes and we couldnt find ciara the 4th person in our group! so we were like freakin out going all over the place askin ppls if they had seen her. finally we went to the cafeteria and she was there so we were like oh shit hurry up! hehe so we went inside the room to do certamen.....but apparently some other schools signed up at last minute and they didnt have enough ppls or we got moved to this other room to compete with these other ppls.......hahah the funny thing is.....ok well hillsborough is known for winning this thing like almost every stinkin we got this reputation of being really really smart....haha so as soon as we walked into that room wit our lil hillsborough latin shirts........both groups just look up, they drop their mouths and go "oh crap hillsborough" hahahahhahahhaaha it felt nice to have that be intimidating! oh yea baby! hahahha but ya we kicked ass in certamen! it's 3 teams against each other and round 1 we scored 65 points to their 20 and 0 and round 2 we scored 40 to their 15 and 10.......the scary thing was that before they moved us the first time we were going against level 1 latin ppls just like us but they were in middle school so they were like 11 but they looked like 8! but the thing is i wasn't thinkin.....oh great this'll be a breeze......i was thinking aww crap what if we lose?! the humiliation! aww shit! hehehehe also in the second round all the latin 2 ppls from our school sat behind us to like cheer us on...kinda like groupies hahah it was great......of course anant was there.....he kept makin references to the whole me and andrew thing hahah....he was like oh thaimi i see andrew's behind u wanna get it from behind? hahahah and then he got ansel to like stand over me while i was sitting and like lean over me .... i was like wtf r u doing! and he's like anant told me to stand here and wait for a signal haha i was like hahaha get off me! hehe. but ya ..... it was hilarious. in the beginning there was a lot of waiting around cuz we had to wait for everyone to get registered so me alex andrew and adam were standing outside and they were all making fun of my stature......or lack there of......hehe i was like u know what screw u! but then andrew came in my defense! he was like....uh alex u really shouldn't be talkin cuz ur not all that much taller than she is....heheh. yea go andrew! hehe. but ya it was funny we were jokin around......we developed this plan to have someone pee on all the drawings so that mine would stand a chance......hahahah! hilarious! it was such a blast! then after certamen me carrolus pulchra and adamus went to go see the olympics and they had this egg toss thingy ma bob contest! haha it was hilarious cuz sean mulligan and cameron were a team and in this one part they were like really far away from each other and cam threw sean the egg and it broke and he got egg goo allllllllll over him! omg! so then sean got the egg goo and started chasin cam wit it! hahahahha it was hilarious cuz cam starts haulin ass and his shoe flies off! hahahhaha so sean instead of followin cam just gets his shoe and starts runnin the other way putting the egg goo all in cam's shoe as he's running.......hahahhaha then cam turns around and realizes what sean is doing so he starts chasing sean now! and his second shoe flies off! so cam is chasin sean completely barefoot hahahah! in the middle of this egg thingus hahahhahah it was hilarious omg i could not stop laughing........priceless! so ya then we hung out a lil bit more and then came the awards ceremony! i got 1st place in the county in vocabulary!!!!!!!!!! YAY ME! then i got 7th place in grammar...not as good but still! haha the funny thing is i barely studied for vocab while on the other hand i studied like coo coo for ya it was a lil odd....hahai was freakin out when they were callin the vocab awards cuz they hadn't called my name and im like aww crap i didnt place........and they said second place....i was like shit.....this is bad this is bad....and then carrolus sitting next to me no this is noto bad this is good watch! and then they go first place thaimi fina! omg i flipped mouth dropped open and i like freaked out hahaha so i stood up to go get my trophy and i look around and all the hillsborough ppls r like screamin their heads off and wit their hands in the air and i look over at alex and he's like "whooooooooooo thaimi!!!!!!!!!!!" hahah it was great....i felt so loved heheh. so ya that was a blast...i ended up leavin early though cuz the ceremony was takin too long and my mommy had to go to work so i dont know how we did in certamen or if hillsborough won all around....i told carrolus to let me know monday so ill find out soon enough.......i hope we win! *crosses fingers* if we do i get to go to state! 3 days.....u know what that means? 3 days in orlando for the french congres competition and then 3 days in idunno where for the latin competition! yay! im so excited oh lordy! hehe......wish me luck ppls! alritey wellz ima go know cuz i've typed quite enough don't ya think? buhz byez

tonite's song: if you could only see by tonic
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wat u forgot, 02-01-04 2:11pm

since u didnt write about this i will...yara *uma* also went to competition...she met a cute boy...his name is david, he's a jr..he knows sign language...he's in drama and he has his own band...he is very very cute..and yara was very very blonde and forgot to take a picture of him...damn...yara also wonders wat david thinks of her...and yara almost fell that day...but she actually ate lunch...go me!

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Re: wat u forgot, 02-01-04 2:16pm

hehe yara needs a vida.......but it's ok we still love her

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Re: Re: wat u forgot, 02-01-04 2:49pm

u need one too i mean posting this like 3 times...get a life!

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Re: Re: Re: wat u forgot, 02-01-04 6:24pm

shut up i fixed it u hoe! hehe

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