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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote,
on 2-1-2004 at 9:05pm
Current mood: Bored
Music: Avril Lavigne's CD 'Let Go'
Subject: I'm singing! And I like rain! >.>; Pshhh
Hey homes, like the journal name? o.o; It seems to interest me >.>;; If you can find a background of knives, just tell me e.e; LoL

It was pretty cool.. Saturday had a lotta rain.. and some stuff happened.. some crazy, psycho-killer, stabbity-stab, bunny-launching-into-the-Inter-Coastal things.. o.o;

We'll start with Friday, shalt we?

:: Friday ::

Not a lot happened Friday. After school, I had saved a Red Bull from lunch (Nyaaaa.. e.e;) and so we all drank some and were running about in the rain, doing our ULTIMATE thing, LoL. Eli stole my shoe, I did a split whilst chasing the fool, I pelted him with Magic Model clay by Crayola, it was all eventful and sitch.

Jadie came home with us (whoo!) We went for a walk in the rain, came home, had some cookies (Yuuum) and just kinda.. chillaxed..

Fwah, her mom came to pick her up and I ended up going with them, 'cause they were going to Sushi Jazz (Yuuuum). I tried Dark Kirin, the JAPA-BEER! >.>;; Let's just say I tried to order some o.o; LoL

So we get back to her place, boom, Jade+Computer -_-; Pshaw.. So I played cards with Asj, trying to amuse myself. An hour or so, Jaded and I go upstairs 'cause her mom high-jacked the computer with her motherly powers.

Jade and I tag-teamed on DOA 3, then she felt "tired", but of course, so I had to play alone for a smidge. Then I hop down backstairs and get onto Mark's laptop (HAHA!) and I won ^.~

Then I went upstairs and slept blah, blah, blah, your needs, onto the next day.

:: Saturday ::

Got up.. pretty much with Jade, and I didn't have to attack her like I usually do o.0; Amazing. I played a bit of DOA while she talked to Chris on her cell (but of course) We went downstairs, computerized (with Emily being the controller.. HA!) then we ate some Breakfast out in the rain (Puuuuddingggg.. ~drool~)

So Chris comes over a bit later (of course) and I beat his ass repeatedly at DOA.. He thought he could beat the l33t master, psh!
Anyways, Jade goes outside, hanging out on the otherside of the railing of her balcony. It's all wet 'cause it hasn't stopped raining, yanno? So we're trying to get her back and Asj (her little sister) threatens Bun-Bunny (Jade's loved bunneh)

So I take the bunny, and pretend to throw it towards the Inter-Coastal ('Cause Jade's house is on the Inter-Coastal.) I was going to drop it behind me and pretend to throw it.. bu alas, the bunny was launched into the air.

And where does it land? Take a wild guess. o.o; If you said pool, what fuckin' crack are you on, bizitch?!

There was a mad dash down the stairs and out the door, I being the head of commotion because I screamed and ran. But it was only to get the bunny, and the scream was of sheer horror that I had actually tossed Jade's heart-felt-loved bunny into an ocean current.

So we got the next-door neighbors net (with out asking.. we were too frantic) and rescued said fluffy object. We rushed it back inside to wash, soak, sope, condition, soak, wash, and dry the poor bunn, while Jade disappeared to mope. Psh. Drama queen. o.o; LoL

Nothing really happened after that for a few hours, though we went out into the rain again to chillax, I guess. We ended up in the pool, in the rain, fully clothed. HA! There's FUN for ya! ^-^

We were in the pool for pretty much 3 to 4 hours, Chris, Jade, Asj, and I.

Asj and I chillaxed in the hot tub while Chris and Jade made out in the pool (of course) Then they tried to INVADE! How DARE they?! Anyways, they were diminished back to the pool, and the pants I was wearing were REALLY annoying me, so what did I do?

If you thought danced around because I'm stupid like that, what helium are you on and where can I get some?

I took of meh pants! ^-^

But I was wearing a long shirt and opaque panties, not to mention I wasn't getting out of the water anytime soon. I ended putting them back on about 10 minutes later.. Chris disturbs me. o.o;; (Of course) >.>;

Then, I took off tha big shirt (I was wearing an undershirt, mind you.) About 20 to 30 minutes after that, we all go out, cold and sitch. Chris went in first, and Jade, Asj, and I stayed out to take off wet clothing.. THE PANTIES STAYED ON, YOU PERVERTS!

The three of us went upstairs, showered, yanno, and changed, fun fun. Asj, Chris, and Jade played Sims, I wandered downstairs and chatted with people and sitch. They bore me (of course) LoL

That was pretty much it.. I stabbed myself with my umbrella, I went home, I stayed up 'til 3 AM, RPing and making hurtful, spite-pictures pointed mostly at Erik. Poor kid. WE STILL LOVE YA!.. kinda.. >.>;

Anyways, today was a nothing day. I better go do some stuff and stuff like that. Have a PEACHY rest of yer time here! >.>; BAI!

<3<3 Aishiteru <3<3

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Fwhahaha!, 02-02-04 4:54pm



Bai Loooooove!



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Re: Fwhahaha!, 02-02-04 6:57pm

Waz funy, wh, friend?


e.e; Thank yew! I'll become a writer! Of sorts >.>;

Always, hun.

<3 Aishiteru


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