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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 2-2-2004 at 12:14am
Current mood: Decent
Music: Everything But The Girl: Missing
This has been an all right weekend. Started Saturday with a nice conversation before I went to work. Went to work, fucked up the one display. After work I went and picked up some boos for Jackie. Visited with their house until they were leaving to some concert. Nice to just sit around for a while. Came home and went to bed early. Kept waking up though, roommates were loud enough to wake me up on occasion, and then getting back to sleep wasn’t fun.

Today started shitty. Driving to work, someone decided to make a right turn off red in front of me. I get on the brakes, realize there isn’t enough space to stop, swerve to the right, across the corner they just turned around, through the snow bank, get airborne and land in the turn lane next to them. So I arrive to work all agitated, which was good because I got the display fixed very quickly. Went over to Jason’s for the superbowl, commercials were disappointing; game didn’t entertain me too much. The national anthem was sung well for the first time that I can remember. I enjoyed most of the company so that was good.

Now I have to study. I have an exam and two quizzes tomorrow.
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02-02-04 5:49pm

you are awsome.

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