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Kit_KAtt (profile) wrote,
on 12-14-2002 at 10:41pm
Current mood: Interestingly calm
Music: You can't hide Beautiful
Its so odd. At first I thought that it was because I had finally given in to the fact that things weren't going to change overnight and that I shouldn't let her words affect me, but after I thought about it, I realized that it was when my dearest friend needed me that I instinctively put my thoughts aside for hers. Its interesting how the mind works. So I must say, thank you Connie, you have helped me in more ways then one, and I hope that I can help you in return. (and if that just happens to include beating the crap out of some annoying little boy then I will be happy too!) ;) Love ya darling!
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12-15-02 3:21pm

So you lover her now and not me? :( *tear*

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12-15-02 7:00pm

I musta also incline to ask why am I not loved? j/k ^.^

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