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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 2-4-2004 at 4:46pm
Subject: you are the sweetest sin..
i went to the a&p and got like a disposable camera, for 2004, i already missed rachels party, but of well, im bring it to katies house on friday, take like two pictures, im bring it to like mrytle beach, dorney park, florida, the lake, birthday parties, i dunno im weird like that, so i dont forget anything that happened in my teenage life, haha yes, so i think im getting my record card tomorrow, and im not gonna be aloud on the computer, so yea, i think i failed atleast one class, maybe 3, im so screwed. god i hate school, i cant wait until summer, yea im out
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05-17-04 9:10pm



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