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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 12-15-2002 at 7:21pm
Current mood: pissed off
Music: Life House- Spin
Subject: God...
Why does she have to be so fuckin bitchy. She even drives my dad away. She has so many standards and she has to have everything done a certain way. She complains about everything there is to complain about..always looking at the negatives instead of the positives. I'm sick of it. She wonders why we get mad at her. God...Cant she just be normal for 5 minutes. Just 5 mins is all I ask. She doesnt try to relate to me.. she just doesnt understand. She sits there and just bosses me around. She tells me everything i have to clean and how to do it while she sits on her ass for no reason. Then shes all complaining about my dad to other people over the phone and my dad is the best dad I could ask for. Shes the one with the problem not him. She tells me when i have to go to champion. I can pick what days i want to go if i want to its not the end of the fuckin world. IF i want to go tuesday I'll go fuckin tuesday I shouldnt have to get her permission to go. Thats fucked up. She cant controll her own damn life so she grips her hands around mine? Its not fair.. it doesnt make any sence. I try to be the practical daughter sure..but I get nothing in return. She acts like she doesnt care. She tries to be funny but its not...not after all shes done. She cant get her way out of this one. I'm forever pissed. When I'm 18 im getting the hell out of here getting a tatoo and my tongue pierced. lol..seriously though i want my tongue pierced. I cant stand living here any more. The only thing i look forward to doing when i get home is sleeping or just watching tv with my dad. He has surgery this upcoming wednesday so hes gunna be taking me to school for a couple days XD thank god. On the lighter note- I made Chocolate chip muffins and blackberry ones too.. They will be yummy.
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12-18-02 1:29pm did you get a backround on your journal? i have a really pretty on i want to use, but i dont know how to do it! please help me!

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