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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-5-2004 at 3:33pm
Current mood: annoyed
Music: the tv
Subject: Today did not need to happen.
OMG! I am SO freaking annoyed. We found out who our coach was today for softball and just guess who it was, just fucking guess! Sam Huey's mom!! I dislike her with a passion!!! She doesn't even coach correctly. She has no clue what she's doing in most cases and she goes against what Mr. Smith says. But the thing that really really pisses me off is that Sam's mom told her that it was good she got the job cuz now sam can pitch!! No way! I'm not a real braggy person but I pitch so much better than Sam... most people really do. I love pitching... that and left field are my 2 very favorite postion. But I guess if Sam's pitching on the freshmen team that leaves a place for me to pitch on JV. Though I doubt I'll get on JV cuz I'm not really as good as a lot of other people. AGH!! I'm so annoyed right now. Oh and did I mention that she only got the job because mr. wagner turned it down? cuz that's true!!

Yea so swirl is in 2 dayz and I'm not done w/ my dress so it may end up being next years dress instead of this years... that would suck deeply.

Yea well. I'll stop boring you with my stupid problems now. Mucho amor and Rock on.

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02-08-04 1:49am

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! OMG jacqui! Me pitch? you're KIDING right? HA HA HA. i have no clue where you heard this but i can tell you i will not be pitching. you know better then anyone else i can't pitch even if i tried!!! i hope i put you're mind at rest and let's just play ball.

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Re:, 02-08-04 1:51am

sorry to bother you again, but umm... if my mom is such a bad coach then why did we win all our games last season?

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Re:, 02-08-04 3:20pm

i know i'm sorry that i even said any of that it was stupid... but i did. u pitch fine. not wonderful but heck neither do i so... yea. and yes i relize that you won most of your games in shaner.... I wasn't attacking you here and i didn't mean to attack your mom but i just don't know. she didn't get on my good side during shaner or northveiw. but hey, we have a coach she's willing to play and learn. if Reed and Smith like her than i guess she can't be that bad. i apologize for my rash and stupid meaningless ranting session.

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