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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 2-6-2004 at 2:19pm
Current mood: regretful
Subject: k now i kinda feel like talkin.....
all im gonna talk about is what spanish guy said to really stuck with me cuz i think he's completely right....he said that im too stubborn and "orgullosa" which means full of pride......he said that i can never back down and apologize when i've done something wrong. he said i can never be the first to admit i was wrong b/c im full of pride....and that that's the reason why im gonna lose a lot of friends and people i love in my life.....b/c if one doesn't step down and apologize once in a while instead of being pissed off with someone until THEY apologize...then one will find themselves lonely and without love. it scares me to think that what he says may be true.......i guess it's cuz deep down i know it is. i started to think that maybe that's what happened between me and donna.....and between me and guys that i've lost.....maybe it was all really MY fault?.....maybe i was too stubborn and full of pride to realize i was in the wrong....and maybe he's right....maybe i WILL lose all my friends because of that....god i dont wanna be that way....i dont wanna hurt ppl because im too full of pride to apologize or tell someone how i really feel......the scary thing is ... that the night before he told me that i was thinking that maybe i should apologize to him and tell him that i never meant to ignore him or hurt him.....but then i was like no....he did stuff to me too ... if anything he should be the one apologizing.....the fact that i thought that just proves he's right.....god i think there's something wrong with me......i can't let ppl know how i when im sincerely sorry about something....i can never bring myself to face the person and say "im sorry"'s ended past friendships and im afraid that it will only continue to end my future ones......i know i need to change, but i think it might be too to all those that i've hurt and never apologized to .... i want to say im sorry....i never meant to hurt you....and i wished things were different right now...i should have had the courage to say im sorry.
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02-06-04 5:57pm

you don't know me and i don't know you but you really shouldn't beat yourself about this. maybe in a way that guy was right but that's something about your personality that makes you who you are and if you really do have good friedns then they will understand that and if they don't then whatver. maybe they weren't all that great. the only person who really knows anything is you, not anyone else. hope you feel better.

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hey dont let that..., 02-06-04 6:25pm

hey thaimi dont let that shyt head get into ur head. b4 i even knew u i never had n/e positive thoughts abt the kind of person u are. i am no one to judge but it sounds to me that all that needle dick wants is 4 u to apologize so then he can go tell his friends that u came crawling back to stay the way u are because there is nothing wrong w/ u but there is such a thing called envy.!

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Re: hey dont let that..., 02-06-04 9:01pm

thanks anonymous.....whoever u r ... and biank.....hehe and yara...ill go read ur reply on my email cuz i accidentally deleted ur reply before reading did make me feel better know that it's him not me....but i can't helpt but feel that way...

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