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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 12-16-2002 at 6:54pm
Current mood: awake
Subject: Today
I hate being a bitch. Guys, I really try not to be. I tell you when I'm being bitchy (most of the time) so you can watch out. But just certain people just set me off and then i can't stop until I either A)break down and cry or B) Break something. Well, not exactly two good things. Humans are so complex. I mean, shouldn't you understand, at least, yourself. I mean, it might be a phase, or the rest of us will go through life not knowing who we are being led by our elders. I use to know so well who I was. Now, I'm thinking about doing things that I would not have done in a million years. Now I see the alluring trap so many of us fall into which consumes our lives. Remember, split second decisions can make you, or break you. You have not garuntee on life. You are dispensible.
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hey..., 12-16-02 7:34pm

Michelle is this the same thing that we talked about last night????/ or the other night about the thing that u wouldn't have done but now that u think about u wouldn't know what to answer it as?? I think that might be what u'r talking about, but hey what do i know.

Oh yeah, This is Laurel

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Re: hey..., 12-18-02 7:44pm

Yeah, that's what I was talking about.

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12-17-02 7:15pm


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Re:, 12-18-02 7:43pm

Have you ever heard of pms? God, Rob.

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12-22-02 9:58am

haha, PMS happens to the best of us sad but true. Humph :(

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