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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-8-2004 at 2:57pm
Current mood: amused
Music: the voices in my head
Subject: "I love rock and roll put another dime in the jukebox baby!"
Hey guys! sorry i was such a spaz last entry. I seriously need anger managment at times!! And FYI... I don't hate Sam... I just dislike her mother.

Okay so on to happiness. The swirl rocked!! So much fun. :) Some friends of mine and I went to Big Boy for dinner first, it was joyful. I got to have a cheat day on the diet thingy. YAY!! I just love dances. And I actually finished my dress in time! I don't think I'll ever look at a sewing machine again but hey... what'cha gonna do, right? I'm on such a high right now... I have no clue why that is but I am.
Ariana came to my house after the dance and spent the night. We went ice skating on my rink today it was just delightful.

Well I suppose I will let you get back to your lifes and stop thinking about mine!! Mucho amor, Rock on.

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02-08-04 6:18pm

your so happy because you got to dance with me at swirl. :)


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Re:, 02-08-04 9:31pm

u know it ;)

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Re: Re:, 02-09-04 9:57pm


haha, whats wrong with you?!?! do you have some mental disease that keeps you from thinking straight? i mean why me????


oh and um.........actually, now i forgot.

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Re: Re: Re:, 02-10-04 5:17pm

actually... i probably do have a mental disease that keeps me from thinking straight but that's not the point. How do you all of the sudden know that i like you? ahh the questions... okay yea. bye now

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 02-10-04 11:02pm

that, and i looked back at a few of your past entries.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 02-11-04 3:11pm

oh i see. well, at least now you know and i can not have to wonder about it anymore. that's always just joyful! okay well yea, have fun in florida... but not too much because then i'd have to be jealous!! heh. okay buh bye now

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