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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 2-9-2004 at 5:22pm
Current mood: blah
Music: Linkin Park - Faint
Subject: It's monday once again
Hola, wow I'm so upset right now I lost my ring and I have no idea where it is, I've searched everything and it's real upsetting because I've had that ring used to fit my ring and middle and all them fingers but now it only fits my pinky finger so i'm pissed. But yeah I'll tell you what happened today...
- 1st period [.intensive reading.] - Nicole was "mad" at me because I didn't choose whether who is hotter, her or Amanda lol..she's crazzay. We read chapters of this book called "Crazy Horse Electric Game" I actually payed attention, I wanted to sleep but I forced myself to stay awake.
- 2nd period [.geometry.] - I didn't do my hw for this class last night...too lazy, i get an extra day to do some of it tho!
- 3rd period [.english.] - Cristian didn't talk to me all through that period...I supose he's mad at me, but whatever I don't care anymore..I have fun in this class cause of "Era Era Erik!" lol he's great...and he put my name on the T.V. when it was my birthday....aww.
- 4th period [.computers.] - nothing much really happened there..but I actually understoon what we were doing for once
- 5th period [.biology.] - today we had a lab, it was how fast our reaction time was, like you drop a ruler in someones hand and they have to catch it quick...Nicole <3 was my partner of course lol and Alex came from time to time
- 6th period [.sign language.] - this class is litterraly like everyday boring, we had to do fingerspelling today like J-O-B, D-O-G but theres like a fast way to do it...and yeah..
- 7th period [.world history.] - we had a substitute today...kind of boring..people actually did work that we had to do

So that was my day and tomorrow we have FCAT testing...or writing something we gotta do well im done i think i might add this little survey thing later xox byee!
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alexis, 02-09-04 9:11pm

since no 1 seems 2 comment i decided 2 be the 1 person that wood lol...i love how u tell every1 wut happened every second of the day...n when u talk bout 3rd hr u dont say ne thing bout me lol jp...luv yaz byeeee

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