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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 2-9-2004 at 8:40pm
Current mood: purdy good
Music: hands down by dashboard confessional
howdy ppls....hmm...haven't updated in a lil bit....lots has happened since we last touched bases. well me and donna r back to bein amigas again which is cooliarisimo...(i dont like bein angry wit ppls) but ya it's nice. i mite go to her house this weekend if my mom's not god what's wit this spanglish all of a sudden? lordy lordy lordy. well tomorrow im tell shilpa to tell anthony to tell colin for sure! haha i feel like im in the 2nd grade again.....agh....valentines' day is comin up....STUPID HOLIDAY! all couples should be burnt in hell! haha....cept those i actually donna and marcos and alex and inna....but other than that! HELL! so sweet huh? wellz....i dunno what to's fcat writes....all i have to worry bout is readin the prompt correctly..other than that..i got this shit. hehe...first spanglish and now im all ghetto...wowsers. alritey well im just like babblin on and on so ima stop ahora. buhz byez

tonite's song: i'll make love to you by boys ll men
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02-09-04 9:16pm

i'm so happy for you guys!!!

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02-10-04 6:22am

ahh we are friends again...*sniff sniff*!!

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Re:, 02-10-04 4:13pm

that was tree hill's gonna be even better!!!

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