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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 2-10-2004 at 8:58pm
Current mood: happy
Subject: THE MOON IS FULL lol ;)
Well that’s a relief. I’ll miss Jess though when she leaves. The only person who understood the whole time was Will. I love him. He’s my best friend, and understands and tells me when I’m wrong. Must say, he’s good at the advice too, even when he acts like he’s just kidding. The whole thing is in the past anywise. But I do know that I can’t stand him anymore, and why things ever got better I don’t know because he’s still a jerk.
Me, Kate, Katie-Jo, and Heath are going to see 50 first dates, and then clubbing lol if you want to call it that on Friday after work. Oh fun fun! I can’t wait! Have fun in Flordia Pappy, I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING MUCH!
Don’t get to tan ;) -Jess
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I'm stupid, but enough of that, 02-10-04 9:32pm

Well I didn't understand the thing, but I am glad you and Jess aren't mad at each other anymore.

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Re: I'm stupid, but enough of that, 02-11-04 9:06pm

Well thank you Phil.

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02-10-04 9:39pm

thanks i love you too, paps.

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Re:, 02-11-04 9:07pm

*mauh* "No you have too, what if I gave you a di***" hahahahha HAVE FUN ILL MISS YOU SOOO MUCH

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