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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-11-2004 at 3:21pm
Current mood: interested i suppose
Music: playlistage
Subject: Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail.
Yea so practically all my friends left me today and went to Florida w/ the band. Just joyful!! Even my lovely sister left me. I swear I'm just a bandy magnet or something. There were about 7 people at our lunch table today, we normally need two tables and today we only needed 1. It was freakish. Not only that but the bus was boring and quiet cuz Rob and Steph weren't on. It was not at all normal I tell you not at all.

After the basketball game last night (which rocked BTW) Lauren slept over and she would not go to sleep. She was "too excited" so she just talked to me for WAY too long. lol. She got to sleep on the bus I had to go to school. Oy, lol. But I can't blame her at all for being excited I mean Florida w/ a ton of your friends and classmates?! What's bad?? But yea, I'm tired now because of that. Oh well I get 5 days to sleep. I'll live.

Well if any of you lovlies read Rob's journal or read mine earlier than you know that I like him. lol. He told the world. That's not exactly bad cuz everyone would've found out sooner or later... but I had always thought that it would be later! I don't understand it at all tho. He's the coolest guy (not bad lookin' either) and yet I talked myself out of thinking that I liked him until now. I'm just a crazy person aren't I? Yea I thought so.

Adam and I are going to go see a movie tonight. We don't know which one tho. No it is not a date don't even go there. We're friends, we're bored, we need to do SOMETHING tonight. You should all understand that! lol. I'm being insane again aren't I?? yea I am. Okay I'll just say good-bye now.... before I make myself look too bad here. hehe. Buh bye now!
Mucho amor, Rock on!!

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02-12-04 12:01pm

Rob has a journal?

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Re:, 02-12-04 12:38pm

yes he does. it's "cowsgomoo!!!"so yea... okay mucho amor buh bye now.

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