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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 12-18-2002 at 7:53pm
Current mood: indifferent
I had no school today so I slept in until nine thirty which was like heaven. I stayed in my p.j.'s until lunch too. I luv doing that. I'm feeling much better today. Calm. Anyway, Charlie was home so we went to see Star Trek Nemisis. Yes, I do believe I am a partial trekkie. I just happen to enjoy the show, ok? Well, the movie was ok. I liked the part where they rammed the enterprise into the predator ship. That was pretty cool. Other than that it was a bunch of stuff that didn't really matter. You could tell it was directed and written by a guy. LOL. Well, reality is making a come back, a much needed comeback. A day off without seeing the latter has done me much good, but I must admit that I do miss it. It's quite comical.
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12-18-02 8:59pm

Guy movie stats
Many people dieing quickly

Girl movie stats
One person dieing throughout the movie slowly

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