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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote, on 2-12-2004 at 2:35pm | |
Current mood: fine Music: nonpoint Subject: What dreams may come |
To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream. Aye, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There's the respect That makes calmity of so long life! For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, ... yup, theres some Shakespeare for you...I know, Im a loser but I liked it haha. So I dont remember the last time I updated or what has gone on since then SO let me do my best. I gave my parents my report card yesturday. I didnt get grounded thank God. BUT I got the "Its your life...if you want to end it at highschool then its your choice..." Speech from my dad and my mom didnt say one word to me about it which is really scary because I have never had her just be silent like that before. I dont know if I like it or not. It means shes hidding something. Oh well I guess. Today was ok...I was hyper and annoying and such. James' mom made me a lunch!!! Man, I love her! She deserves the best mom award. Uhh...Lisa and I are going to be racking up the extra credit points in English. I did my history homework. Tasha left for Flordia with her boytoy. And thats it for today. Now I am going with Lawson to BK in an hour. Its our new tradition for fast food on thursday. Then Chem. homework and math proofs. OH MAN BETHANY I CANT BELIEVE YOU FOUND THAT!!! Im not sure if I should frame it or burn it. Hahahaha ohhh man. So thats that. See you next time I get the chance. BYE |
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Anonymous | 02-12-04 3:54pm Hahaha! I laughed so hard when I found it. Good stuff right there. :D Save for if we need it some time in the future so we don't have to start over :P
Iwasthinkingthat | Re:, 02-12-04 6:21pm will do haha ;)