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babaloo181 (profile) wrote, on 2-12-2004 at 4:17pm | |
Current mood: ecstatic Music: number 5 on the DC cd Subject: YAY!!! |
OMG GUESS WHAT?! colin asked me out!!!! well not like hey u wanna be my girlfriend asking out but.....u'll see ... lemme start from the top....k well we were all walkin from lunch to our 7th per. and it's me, shilpa, and megan in the front and in back of us..colin and adam. so as im walkin, colin calls my name so i turn around and walk back to where he was...and we started walkin together and he's like....."so hey ur mom doesn't let u go out rite?" and i was like "ya...she does just not to someone's house but im allowed to go to other places and stuff" so he's like " u wanna go out wit me sometime?"....and me being the dork that i am....just looked at him wit this huge smile on my face...hehe i was like "sure.." and he's like "where do u wanna go" i was like...uh i dunno he's like.....iceskating? i was like haha no i dont know how to skate that would be a ya we were walkin and tryin to think of a place to go....haha as we're talkin megan and shilpa are like overhearing in front of us and like freaking out..(and not in a subtle way lemme tell u) and so w/e i get to latin class...outside the door and he's standin there wit me......and shilpa keeps walkin and she's like "ill definitely call u today thaimi!" and megan's like "yea go online!" and i was like.....ok......haha then colin goes like "..oh u have a screen name?"...i was like ya.... he's like me too....i was like......i have a pen too! hehe so i got out a pen and wrote my sn on his hand...and he's like ull know it's me when i IM you..i was like okies...and i walked away wit a HUGE smile on my face....haha omg...he's so cutieful! ooh ya some more stuff happened earlier....well after physics it was me, him, and ho walkin and him and ho were like jokin around they always do and well colin's like oh yea ho im so much cooler than u.....and ho is like says who? and he's like well cuz i have much cooler friends.....and he's like oh yea like who? and colin just like extends his hands out to me like...look rite here cool friend...and he's like "thaimi's muy muy cool...she tiene mucho cool" hahah he's such a dork but he's so adorable. OMG something else happened that i have to tell u guys about...spanish guy's tryin to get back together....cuz like in piano class we started talkin bout why he was pissed off at me and why i had been pissed off at him and yatty yatty yah...but ya then he tells me that he had gone to this church school thingus and while he was there he had talked to like i guess the preacher person....and they told him that it is ok to go out wit someone who's not christian u just can't marry that person or have sex with ya he kept lookin at me in this way like wowsers....i was like....agh now?! ur late....i've moved on....but ya ima have to tell him sooner or later.....but that's just if me and colin hook up....which im wishin and hopin hehe. alritey well ill keep u guys updated... buhz byez tonite's song: you'll think of me by keith urban |
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crazystingaree06 | 02-12-04 7:12pm u will! and hopefully ill get several hearts! |