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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-13-2004 at 11:19am
Current mood: bored
Music: "We are the Body"
Hello lovlies! lol. Yes I am as bored as I sound right now. I don't know what to do... so I thought I'd just go ahead and update. It gives me something to do right? Right. I saw "The Perfect Score" Wednesday night. It was pretty cool, and deeply funny!! It was odd tho, adam and I were the only two people in the theater (guess movies aren't too popular on wednesdays huh?). But that's okay cuz then we could talk and make fun of the stupid parts. It was just joyful.

I really have no clue what to say so I'm basically just rambling on and on about nothing impaticular. fun stuff right?! oy.

So there's this mall hunt thing on the 24th that I'm suppose to go to w/ Katie and her youth group. Of course I don't know if it's February 24th or March 24th tho I'd assume February. Yea, I'm not exactly the slickest information getter huh? ha. wow. Curtis just told me that it wasn't the 17th of whatever month it's in anymore and instead it's the 24th Tuesday! It's weird.

I really like woohu. It's a very good invention. You can get all your feelings out... well, correction there, you can get MOST of your feelings out. If you said everything you wanted to it's a lot more likely you'll get beat up sooner or later. Believe me, I know. But still it's a rockin' site. Greatly awesome!!! Go Gunny. I thank you deeply.

Okay I guess I'll get off of here and stop blabbing on about nothing. Much love my friends! Rock on.

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hey jay, 02-13-04 2:05pm

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Re: hey jay, 02-13-04 2:07pm

my bad, hit the wrong button, anyways ronnie made me make a name on here (he also picked it out)so here i am. im thinking about having a party this weekend whadda think? ok lylas mucho grande!

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Re: Re: hey jay, 02-13-04 10:13pm

party? awesome! sounds deeply fun. when? where? how? and is it parentally exceptable... hehe. okay well mucho amor, rock on.

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Re: Re: Re: hey jay, 02-14-04 9:44am

hey, im thinking on like sunday or something. but im not sure maybe ill just wait till next weekend but probly at my house if we can find something to do, and hey, an AWESOME way to hang out with *him* ahhh die. and if not at my house (cuz we'd watch movies and just party which sounds gay if we cant find nething to do) then at movies maybe, parents will be cool with it, nothing bad. ok talk to ya later, let me know what ya think lylas mucho grande as always and rememver, YOU NEVER CAN TELL WITH BEES!!! lol from winnie the pooh!
Allison who seems to be in wonderland

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Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jay, 02-15-04 2:21pm

sounds joyful! and you're right it would be a good oppurtunity to hang out w/ "him". let me know when! mucho amor, rock on

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jay, 02-17-04 12:57pm


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jay, 02-17-04 4:08pm

yes "him". the guy allison likes. he is our friend and therefore would come.

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